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An eclectic pick'n'mix of musical treats from Anna Lias & Lambo Lambo Lambo
Ear Treats
Most of us sense great changes in the world. Something's Going On. But what? And who's doing it? What do all the changes mean? And where does one turn for answers? Try The Paula Gordon Show.
The Paula Gordon Show is a rarity -- something genuinely new. Paula and co-host Bill Russell find remarkable people. Then they engage them in lively conversation. The guests regularly make sense of a life-time of sometimes decidedly technical work. And it's entertaining. No edits, no commentary, no interruptions from dead-end call-ins. Just deeply important, engrossing conversations. It's been called "'Cliff Notes' for the Baby Boom."
"We all have too much data and too little time," says Gordon. "Our listeners are just like us -- curious and eager to learn. But it's tough to find the people actually creating our future. And even harder to get first-hand access to them. Bill and I are a lot like scouts. Explorers. We go a little way ahead to see what's going on in the territory we're about to enter. Who's doing the interesting work? What do we need to know? What are we missing? Then we return with the broadcast, audio cassettes and soon the Internet. Our listeners have a life. They don't have the time or sometimes the inclination to do the background work. That's our job ! Hence 'Cliff Notes"' laughs Gordon, who was nominated for an Emmy for the television interviews she conducted before venturing into twenty years of film and video production. "I'm home," she says simply.
Bill Russell is co-host. He vigilantly balances Gordon's enthusiasm with a well tempered skepticism. "Paula and I are both genuinely excited about the changes going on all around us. And sobered. Big Things are happening in a remarkable range of endeavors. We hear the same words coming from people doing totally different work. We're surrogates for our listeners, exploring new developments in the physical, scientific, intellectual and spiritual realms. Too many people in all walks of life simply don't know how much is going on that's positive. This Show is a chance to hear about work that gives both of us hope and others are responding that way too.
It's a reality check, not 'pollyanna.' That's gratifying. "Our guests are people all over the world who both think and act," says Gordon. "They include scientists, artists, religious thinkers and physicians, writers, business people, educators and public figures. Atlanta has it's fair share. Our first guest in the New Year is Renee Glover, Director of the Atlanta Housing Authority. Cities all over the country are following her lead in providing transitional public housing for families. Renee doesn't just talk about change -- she's creating solutions." The conversation with Glover was recorded live at The Commerce Club in downtown Atlanta, where the show originates once a month.
The Paula Gordon Show Podcast
Canción, Cuento, Letra, Música, Reflexión.
El cuento nos abre el alma suavemente a la comprensión de lo que sentimos.
La canción nos acompaña, nos acaricia con palabras y sonidos.
Un cuento, una canción, un texto que va al rescate... para abrir tu emoción.
Una manera de conectar con vos, con un toque de humor, de dulzura, con cariño y simpatía.
Sandra Fernandez va al rescate.
Rescatando Sueños
A podcast interview series dedicated to and focused on the people on the "runway," folks who are managing action to achieve success in the context that counts: @life.
This podcast both examines and inspires a certain approach towards life that is based both on personal philosophies and on, more importantly, the writings of people such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. This is a biweekly five to ten minute series referencing literature, life, and nature. The host, while working in technology for a major corporation, holds a Master's in English Literature and is a true Romantic.
Nature's Lead
Produced and presented by Deek Deekster, Pod of Funk is a truly eclectic mix of everything funky - a fine selection of modern bassline-driven dance music from London, UK.
Pod of Funk
Jonathan Thomas and His Christmas on the Moon is a daily children’s series that ran between Thanksgiving and Christmas in 1938. The story begins with six year old Jonathan Thomas lying in bed on Christmas Eve with his teddy bear Guz. While he is lying in bed two elves slide down a moonbeam into his room. Guz, his teddy bear, chase the elves back up the moonbeam and Jonathan Thomas follows in order to get his Guz back.
Upon reaching the moon Jonathan Thomas meets the Man in the Moon and his horse Gorgonzola. After being accused of kidnapping Santa Claus, the troop is commanded to bring back him in time for Christmas.
On their adventure they confront evil witch, a dragon with thirteen tales and they meet several characters from the Lewis Carol classic: Alice in Wonderland.
Will they be able to rescue Santa Claus from the Squeebubblians in time to save Christmas?
Jonathan Thomas and His Christmas on the Moon
Spirit Talk Dec 2009
Faith & Spirituality
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Spirit Talk Dec 2009
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Spirit Talk Dec 2009
Spirit Talk Dec 2009
52 min
Spirit Talk Episode 1
Spirit Talk Radio Episode 1
This Podcast includes the Psychic Kids Panel Discussion recorded live at the Through the Veil Conference in Atlanta, GA
Spirit Talk June 2010
Spirit Talk April 2010
Interview with Bryson Swan from Psychic Kids episode “Ghost School”
Spirit Talk April 2010
Spirit Talk July 2010
An in depth interview with KT Frankovich regarding her first hand Alien encounters in South Dade, Florida back in May of 1992.
Spirit Talk July 2010
Spirit Talk January 2011
Interview with Tom Dongo UFO-Paranormal Researcher regarding Orbs, UFOs, Bigfoot, and other Creatures experienced in Sedona, Arizona
Spirit Talk January 2011
Spirit Talk December 2010
Interview with three individuals from Facebook who have had extraordinary encounters with what they believed to be an Angel. Modern stories for a modern age.
Spirit Talk December 2010
Spirit Talk November 2010
Interview with Lyn Buchanan as he discusses Controlled Remote Viewing, our 6th and 7th sense, and his involvement with our US Military’s project involving Psychic Remote Viewing.
Spirit Talk November 2010
Spirit Talk October 2010
An in depth interview with Tom & Lisa Butler from the Association of Trans Communication. Formerly known as the American Association of EVP.
Spirit Talk October 2010
Spirit Talk Episode 1 Very First Podcast about Ghosts and EVPS
Spirit Talk Radio Episode 1
Spirit Talk June 2017 The Extra-Dimensional Beings with retired FBI Agent John Desouza John DeSouza shares some exciting paranormal stories and his experiences and encounters with “Extra-Dimensional Beings”, based off of his new book, “The Extra-Dimensionals- True Tales and Concepts of Alien Visitors.” Websites: Book: The Extra-Dimensionals: True Tales and Concepts of Alien Visitors
Spirit Talk June 2017
Spirit Talk May 2017 Psychics, Healers & Mediums: A journalist, a road trip, and voices from the other side. Jenniffer Weigel is an award-winning broadcast journalist based in Chicago. She won an Emmy for her on-camera reporting for CBS and has also worked for ABC, NBC, WGN and WLS (radio). She has a passion for […]
Spirit Talk May 2017
Spirit Talk April 2017 TransCommunication – Tom Butler of Association TransCommunication joins us to discuss The Trans Survival Hypothesis, ITC, EVP and DRVP. We’ll hear Tom’s theories, what he’s learned over his years of his research, and what the future looks like for TransCommunication. Websites: Book: Your Immortal Self Participate in the Sidereal […]
Spirit Talk April 2017
Spirit Talk March 2017 Haunted Toys – David Weatherly joins us with some creepy true stories of Haunted Toys. From legends to modern pay things. If you are afraid of dolls, you might want to have someone join you when you listen to this eerie episode. David has spent his life exploring the world of […]
Spirit Talk March 2017
Spirit Talk February 2017 God and The Paranormal in the Bible. Rev. Kristina Rake, M.A. examines what the Bible really says about our relationship to the dead and what happens when we die. Covering such topics as The soul, The Afterlife, prayers for the dead, and mediumship. Websites: Book: God and The […]
Spirit Talk February 2017
Spirit Talk 2017 Do you suffer from LOVE ADDICTION? Sherry Gaba is a licensed psychotherapist and life coach who has helped hundreds of people cope with lifelong addictions, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, single parenting and divorce. With over fifteen years’ experience as a clinician, she specializes in individual, couples, family, and group therapy at her […]
Spirit Talk January 2017
Spirit Talk December 2016 Weird Christmas Stories and Christmas Traditions from around the World with Author Varla Ventura. Varla is the author of multiple books including “Banshees, Werewolves, Vampires and Other Creatures of the Night”, “Among the Mermaids”, and “The Book of the Bizarre and Beyond Bizarre”. Her forthcoming book, “Fairies, Pookas, and Changelings: A […]
Spirit Talk December 2016
Spirit Talk November 2016 Dr. Scott Kolbaba shares some of his stories from his new book “Physicians Untold Stories – Miraculous experiences doctors are hesitant to share with their patients, or ANYONE!” Websites: Books: Physicians Untold Stories Miraculous experiences doctors are hesitant to share with their patients, or ANYONE!
Spirit Talk November 2016
Spirit Talk October 2016 Andrea Perron discusses the home she grew up in that inspired the movie “The Conjuring.” Websites: (Listeners may contact her here) YouTube: (Listeners can just search for Andrea Perron) Andrea’s Books: *House of Darkness House of Light (Book Trilogy/ 3 Volumes) *In A Flicker (written with George R. […]
Spirit Talk October 2016
Spirit Talk September 2016 We will be discussing the topic of Out of Body Travel to Heaven with Allen Feldman and Heather Giamboi. Websites: Books: Thousands of Visits to Heaven and the Heart of God: “The Most Profound, Vividly Detailed Out of Body Discoveries Yet!” Dialogues with the Masters: The Way Back to God […]
Spirit Talk September 2016
Spirit Talk August 2016 Roy L Hill, Psy.D discusses his theories on how Near Death Experiences relate to Consciousness Websites: Twitter: Books: Psychology and Near Death Experiences: Searching for God
Spirit Talk August 2016
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