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Fondazione Musica per Roma
\ Festival delle Scienze 2009
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Audio recordings of the lectures for Prof. Richard Pogge's Autumn
Quarter 2006 Astronomy 161 class at The Ohio State University. The
lecture podcasts run from 2006 Sept 21 through 2006 Dec 1, and were
recorded live in 100 Stillman Hall on the OSU Main Campus in Columbus, Ohio.
Persons visiting this podcast after 2007 Sept 19 are invited to instead
seek out the new class lecture series for 2007.
Astronomy 161 - Introduction to Solar System Astronomy
Audio Documentaries, Music, Sound Art and Found Sound
Sound, Found
This exhibition presents contemporary Indian photography and video art of the last quarter century, ranging from straightforward photojournalism to highly contrived personal expressions. The twenty-eight artists included in this exhibition provide rich insights into the dynamics shaping the contemporary Indian psyche and social sphere, including deeply rooted cultural practices, dramatic economic and political shifts and the pervasive influence of the media. As they use their cameras to observe, analyze, interpret and subvert, these artists traverse many realms of experience, from the inescapable shared spectacle of the worlds of politics and Bollywood to the enigmatic territory of the artists imagination. They investigate identity as a social construct, engage issues of gender and sexuality, and explore the effects of population migrations. As a result, the lens moves from the street to the home and from the body politic to the body of the artist.
Newark Museum - India: Public Places Private Spaces
Sustainable World Radio brings you in-depth interviews, news, and commentary about creative, exciting, and innovative ways of living. Since 2004, Sustainable World Radio has educated and entertained listeners around the globe. Produced in Santa Barbara, California, Sustainable World focuses on positive solutions to environmental challenges.
Are you interested in learning more about: Permaculture projects around the globe? How to plant a food forest? Restorative design or ethnobotany? Tune in to discover practical, sustainable, and entertaining solutions that guide us to a better world.
Sustainable World Radio
Audio recordings of the lectures for Prof. Richard Pogge's Winter
Quarter 2006 Astronomy 162 class at the Ohio State University. The
lecture podcasts began with Lecture 5 on 2006 January 9, and ended with
Lecture 44 on 2006 March 10. Lecture notes are available on the class
Astronomy 162 - Stars, Galaxies, & the Universe
Guy In A Tie ( a rock and roll, Indie, alternative, powerpop, metal show while Helping Kids With School & Life. Brought to you by a friendly science teacher, "A Guy In A Tie" doing the guy-in-a-tie thing! Skyline High
Guy In A Tie Podcast (
This is a year-long course in Advanced Physiology. Lectures are presented to you by Dr. Gerald Cizadlo of the College of St. Scholastica. The information provided will be of interest to students and those planning careers in science and medicine, as well as current practitioners in the field. Please note: The content and opinions expressed here belong to the author and are not necessarily endorsed by The College of St. Scholastica. For the course outline and/or to view a digital blackboard of images associated with the lectures, please visit the Web site at
Biology 4120/4220 -- Advanced Physiology with Doc C
Lezioni di Giornalismo
Lezioni di Giornalismo
Lezioni di Giornalismo
Le grandi lezioni di giornalismo
Le grandi lezioni di giornalismo
Le grandi lezioni di giornalismo
"coScienza globale" Festival delle Scienze 2008
"coScienza globale" Festival delle Scienze 2008
Festival delle Scienze 2008
Festival della Matematica 2009
Festival della Matematica 2009
"Creazioni e Ricreazioni Matematiche" Festival della Matematica 2009
Lezioni di rock. Viaggio al centro della musica
Lezioni di rock. Viaggio al centro della musica
lezioni di rock
Festival delle Scienze 2007 "Le età della vita"
Festival delle Scienze 2007 "Le età della vita"
Dalla creatività dell'infanzia alla libertà della vecchiaia
Festival della Filosofia 2007 "Confini"
Festival della Filosofia 2007 "Confini"
Confini è il tema della seconda edizione del Festival della Filosofia, evento inserito ormai di diritto tra gli appuntamenti annuali più importanti per la vita culturale di Roma. Confini: dalle barriere naturali ai confini politici, il confine è una demarcazione, qualcosa che separa, qualcosa che unisce. Ma il confine è anche un limite, un freno, qualcosa che definisce o rende indefinibile. Qual è il confine tra la vita e la morte? Qual è la finis terrae? Il limite? Lo spartiacque? Chi sconfina l'altro? Questo accattivante tema sarà sviluppato nei suoi aspetti più strettamente filosofici ma anche scientifici, artistici, religiosi, politici, sociologici con interessanti sconfinamenti nella letteratura, nella scienza, nello spettacolo, nell'arte. E' in edicola la rivista MicroMega con uno speciale dedicato alla prima edizione del Festival della Filosofia Sconfinatamente.
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Che cos'è...?
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Patologie Italiane
Patologie Italiane
Patologie Italiane
Festival delle Scienze 2009
Festival delle Scienze 2009
"L'Universo" Festival delle Scienze 2009
Festival della Matematica 2008
Festival della Matematica 2008
Festival della Matematica 2008. La regina delle scienze e delle arti
Festival delle Scienze 2009
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"L'Universo" Festival delle Scienze 2009
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