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 \ The Secret World Chronicle, Book Four: World Divided - A free audiobook by Mercedes Lackey, Dennis Lee, and Cody Martin, with Larry Dixon and Veronica Giguere

The Secret World Chronicle, Book Four: World Divided - A free audiobook by Mercedes Lackey, Dennis Lee, and Cody Martin, with Larry Dixon and Veronica Giguere

In this podiobook: The stories of the metahuman struggle against the Thulian menace continue in the fourth installment of The Secret World Chronicle, World Divided. Echo and CCCP face the reality that is Blacksnake as lines are drawn and sides are chosen. Some heroes fall while others emerge from the ashes, and an opportunist arrives to take advantage of grief and mayhem in the wake of a devastating loss. Famed fantasy and sci-fi author Mercedes Lackey and returning … show more
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