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The latest news about astronomy, space, and the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope
NASA's Spitzer Science Center and Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
Dr. Aaron G. Filler, author of "The Upright Ape: A New Origin of the Species", explores many of the revolutionary tenets of his book through original video of ape and human movement.
The Upright Ape: Hominiform Progression
The Language Creation Society (LCS) podcast is made by, for, and about language creators, aka conlangers.On each show, we'll talk with a conlanger, educator, or researcher discuss books, software, or other things of interest to conlangers or anything else that may be of interest to conlangers. Find out more about the LCS at
Language Creation Society
The Business of Green series focuses on the intersection of business and sustainability. Fortune's editors and host Olivia Zaleski look at the people and companies driving change and solutions for today's business leaders.
Fortune: The Business of Green
Science Friday, as heard on NPR, is a weekly discussion of the latest news in science, technology, health, and the environment hosted by Ira Flatow. Ira interviews scientists, authors, and policymakers, and listeners can call in and ask questions as well. Hear it each week on NPR stations nationwide -- or online!
Science Friday: Video Podcast
UCTV delivers documentaries, faculty lectures, cutting-edge research symposiums and artistic performances from each of the ten UC campuses.
UCTV Video Podcasts
SUPEREGO: Profiles In Self-Obsession. Improvised, analyzed and brought to you by clinical absurdists Dr. Jeremy Carter, PhD and Dr. Matt Gourley, PyT with Resident Specialists Mark McConville and Jeff Crocker.
Guest appearances by Jason Sudeikis (SNL, 30 ROCK), Steve Agee (THE SARAH SILVERMAN PROGRAM), Jo Lo Truglio (SUPERBAD, RENO 911), Derek Mears (FRIDAY THE 13TH, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN) and many more. These findings presented for the Pscience™ community at large.
High definition views of Chandra's exciting science
The Beautiful Universe: Chandra in HD
NASA's Spitzer Science Center and Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
The Beautiful Universe: Chandra in HD
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High definition views of Chandra's exciting science
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Featured in Government
High definition views of Chandra's exciting science
The Beautiful Universe: Chandra in HD
NASA's Spitzer Science Center and Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
VPR is your source for Vermont News and NPR News and home of VPR Classical, Vermont's 24-hour classical music network. Listen to VPR for VPR News, Vermont Edition, Commentaries, and Eye On The Night Sky.
VT Senate - Vermont Senate - US
VPR is your source for Vermont News and NPR News and home of VPR Classical, Vermont's 24-hour classical music network. Listen to VPR for VPR News, Vermont Edition, Commentaries, and Eye On The Night Sky.
VT House - Vermont House - Montpelier, US
Die Sendereihe setzt sich kritisch mit aktuellen Fragen der Sicherheits- und Militärpolitik auseinander. Alle 14 Tage, jeweils in der geraden Woche, sonnabends um 19.20 Uhr und sonntags um 12.30 Uhr.
NDR Info - Streitkräfte und Strategien
NDR Kultur
High definition views of Chandra's exciting science
The Beautiful Universe: Chandra in HD
NASA's Spitzer Science Center and Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
VPR is your source for Vermont News and NPR News and home of VPR Classical, Vermont's 24-hour classical music network. Listen to VPR for VPR News, Vermont Edition, Commentaries, and Eye On The Night Sky.
VT Senate - Vermont Senate - US
VPR is your source for Vermont News and NPR News and home of VPR Classical, Vermont's 24-hour classical music network. Listen to VPR for VPR News, Vermont Edition, Commentaries, and Eye On The Night Sky.
VT House - Vermont House - Montpelier, US
Radio Nacional Argentina está compuesta por 40 emisoras que se distribuyen por todo nuestro territorio. Fue fundada en el año 1937 con el nombre de LRA Estación de Radiodifusión del Estado.
Desde 2001 forma parte junto a la TV Püblica del Sistema Nacional de Medios Públicos, actualmente Radio y Televisión Argentina S.E. Su carácter público y federal, hace de este medio un instrumento fundamental en el ejercicio del derecho a la comunicación de todos los ciudadanos argentinos.
LRA6 - Radio Nacional (Mendoza) - Mendoza, Argentina
Presenta le due rubriche GR Politica e GR Parlamento dei giornali radio RAI. Consente di ascoltare live i dibattiti parlamentari.
RAI GR Parlamento - RAI Gr Parlamento - Veneto, Italy
Presenta le due rubriche GR Politica e GR Parlamento dei giornali radio RAI. Consente di ascoltare live i dibattiti parlamentari.
RAI GR Parlamento - RAI Gr Parlamento - Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy
Presenta le due rubriche GR Politica e GR Parlamento dei giornali radio RAI. Consente di ascoltare live i dibattiti parlamentari.
RAI GR Parlamento - RAI Gr Parlamento - Apulia, Italy
A programação intercala música nacional e internacional com notícias do Ministério Público do Trabalho, produzidas pelas jornalistas Rita Cantanhede e Joyce Copstein. Música, notícia e conhecimento são mesclados de forma a oferecer uma ferramenta de comunicação e integração entre o público e o Ministério Público do Trabalho.
Rádio MPT - Brazil
LRA21 - Radio Nacional (Santiago del Estero) - Santiago del Estero, Argentina
LRA22 - Radio Nacional (Jujuy) - San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina
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