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Each year, the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. These podcasts (also available in audio format) capture the most extraordinary presentations delivered from the TED stage.
TEDTalks (video)
Dieser Podcast richtet sich an Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klassen 7 bis 13. In regelmäßigen Abständen kann man sich einen Audio- und Videopodcast herunterladen und anhören, bzw. ansehen. Im Podcast wird eine mathematische Startidee präsentiert, die zu eigenem Arbeiten anregen kann. Außerdem gibt es auf der Homepage zu jeder Podcast-Folge ein Arbeitsblatt, das die Startidee noch einmal aufgreift. In einem Forum besteht schließlich für die Schülerinnen und Schüler die Möglichkeit, sich über Fragen und eigene Ideen auszutauschen.
Kreativwerkstatt Mathematik Podcast
The Limited Fork show featuring POAMs: Products of Acts of Making in fulfillment of principles of Limited Fork Poetics: the study of interacting language systems, where the visual, sonic, tactile, and olfactory meet to form and reform (compelling) structures. Where focus on an intensely stabilizing area can still produce (forms of) sonnets that will maintain a particular form for only a limited period of time after which other structure(s) emerge, some of the emergence occurring across physical, sensory, and other dimensions.
This podcast is the place where POAMS, products of acts of making, will evolve, for the idea (as well as the poams that come out of the idea) is dynamic, seeking ways to fulfill the need for expression that coincides with unfolding understandings of existence. At the end of one of the branching roots of LFP and at the tip of one of the branches is belief in the pleasure of making things, a pleasure increased by acts of making that understand and try to take advantage of the range of what is possible and available.
The LFP experiment will showcase successes and failures, for the dead ends, the branches that do not bear sweet fruit, edible fruit, or any fruit at all, nevertheless contribute meaningfully to the recognizable structure of the tree. Perhaps the beauty of the tree depends on the presence of some dead ends.
Every week, there will be a visual or sonic episode (a branch) that reflects the current status of the ongoing study of interacting language systems. The LFP show will always present what is within its changing limits. Not (just) poems, but POAMS.
To hear more music of Limited Fork, visit the Limited Fork Music podcast. For more Limited Fork movies, visit the Limited Fork Video Anthology to download the video work of student and other practitioners of what Limited Fork Poetics enables and encourages.
Limited Fork
Chicago Multimedia Works brings you videos created by the University of Chicago Press. Interviews with authors and special features for the books we publish.
Chicago Multimedia Works
EwArt Productions gives you fact-filled and entertaining coverage of works of art, artists, and concepts, all "in just a minute." Hosted by art historian Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe.
Art History in Just a Minute
Chinese Consumer Connection hosts Talk of Asian Marketing that focuses on issues most managers don't think about, until it's too late. The cultural gap between Western and Eastern consumers is huge; TAM draws on local experts with decades of experience to give you a POV from the ground, to help you see what consumers are thinking and what marketers need to pay attention to.
CCC Videocast (Video Podcasts)
The LANDSPLOITATION Podcast hosts experimental video and audio documenting the social experience of the human landscape, including but not limited to the spaces of the built environment, vernacular architecture, proxemics, human interaction, and political boundaries. Submissions from independent scholars, photographers, and filmmakers are welcome. To submit, please insure that sound or video is hosted on a public server (such as and email the link together with a brief description of your piece to landscapestudies (at) gmail (dot) com.
Physiology of Tissue Repair
Higher Education
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Lecture #1 - Unit #1 Covers the phases of soft-tissue healing including the important chemical mediators of the acute inflammatory phase.
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Therapeutic Modalities
Lecture #1 - Unit #1 Covers the phases of soft-tissue healing including the important chemical mediators of the acute inflammatory phase.
Physiology of Tissue Repair
Lecture #1 - Unit #1 Covers the phases of soft-tissue healing including the important chemical mediators of the acute inflammatory phase.
Physiology of Tissue Repair
Topics covered include: ultrasound energy, parameters of ultrasound, and applying ultrasound correctly based on current research evidence.
Ultrasound podcast
Topics covered include: mechanism of heat transfer; local effects of cryotherapy on inflammation, muscle spasm and pain, and circulation; role of compression with cryotherapy; and sensations associated with cold therapy.
Cryotherapy Podcast
Lecture #2 - Unit #1 This lecture covers the different theories of pain control, including some chemical mediators of pain modulation
Pain Podcast
Lecture #1 - Unit #1 Covers the phases of soft-tissue healing including the important chemical mediators of the acute inflammatory phase.
Physiology of Tissue Repair
Group student project on pulsed ultrasound and its effects on tissue healing. The group was required to find peer-reviewed evidence of the effectiveness of pulsed ultrasound. Group member were: Max Nikolenko, Ashley Raciak, and Nick Harvey
Pulsed US and Tissue Healing
Therapeutic Modalities
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