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Leading global consultant, business author, and former Harvard Business School professor David Maister presents a videocast of highlights from his speaking engagements covering his four main topic areas: Strategy, Management, Client Relations, and Careers.
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Dieser Podcast richtet sich an Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klassen 7 bis 13. In regelmäßigen Abständen kann man sich einen Audio- und Videopodcast herunterladen und anhören, bzw. ansehen. Im Podcast wird eine mathematische Startidee präsentiert, die zu eigenem Arbeiten anregen kann. Außerdem gibt es auf der Homepage zu jeder Podcast-Folge ein Arbeitsblatt, das die Startidee noch einmal aufgreift. In einem Forum besteht schließlich für die Schülerinnen und Schüler die Möglichkeit, sich über Fragen und eigene Ideen auszutauschen.
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Tunable Lasers
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We look at several examples of tunable lasers and discuss nonlinear optics as a mechanism to increase the region of the spectrum available from laser sources.
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Laser Spectroscopy Podcast
This is the green sheet that describes the class.
Physics 268 Syllabus
This is the green sheet that describes the class.
Physics 268 Syllabus
We look at transient effects in laser gain material, -switching and mode locking as methods to get short pulses.
Short Pulse Generation
Podcsat from 2008 of lecture on Raman spectroscopy. This is in place of the 11/9 lecture given about Raman spectroscopy, for which the audio didn't record properly.
Raman Scattering
Podcsat from 2008 of lecture on stimulated Raman scattering. This content was not covered in class this semester. This is for your interest only and will not be covered on exams.
Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy
We look at how saturation causes hole burning in a spectral line, and measurement techniques such as lamb-dip spectroscopy and intermodulated fluorescence that can take advantage of this for doppler-free measurements.
Nonlinear Spectroscopy
We look at basic methods of emission spectroscopy including laser induced fluorescence, resonant enhanced multi-photon emission (REMPI), intermodulated fluorescence and stimulated emission pumping.
Emission Spectroscopy
WE look at basic techniques of absorption spectroscopy including direct detection, frequency modulation, intracavity absorption and cavity ringdown spectroscopy.
Absorption Spectroscopy
We look at how the natural lifetime of an energy level produces a Lorentzian line profile and how the natural linewidth can be broadened by Doppler broadening, pressure broadening, transit time broadening and saturation broadening.
spectral line profiles
We look at how interferometers can be used to measure wanelength.
We look at the principles of operation of prism spectrometers and grating spectrometers and discuss operating characteristics (speed, resolving power, spectral transmission and free spectral range).
Spectrometer Operation
We consider the advantages and disadvantages of three classes of photodetectors: photodiodes, photomultiplier tubes and thermal detectors.
We look at several examples of tunable lasers and discuss nonlinear optics as a mechanism to increase the region of the spectrum available from laser sources.
Tunable Lasers
We look at 3-level and 4-level gain systems in laser amplifiers, discuss optical cavities and tuning elements of laser oscillators.
Fundamentals of Lasers
We look at an example of calculating the bond length and bond strength of HCl from a measured mid IR absorption spectrum.
Molecular Absorption
We look at energy levels associated with rotation and vibration of molecular bonds
Molecular Energy Levels
We look at the Bohr model of the atom and see how it can be used to explain the line spectrum of Hydrogen, and then generalize to other atoms.
Energy Levels
We look at an application of our previous quantum treatment of the two-level atom for measuring G the universal gravitational constant.
Gravity Measurements
We look at absorption as a quantum effect and introduce the Einstein A and B coefficients for stimulated and spontaneous emission.
Quantum Model of Absorption
We use the classical electron oscillator model to derive the functional form of the index of refraction in material as well as the absorption, which we relate to the cross section.
Index of Refraction and Absorption
We investigate absorption of light by matter using the classical electron oscillator model. In the process we introduce phasor notation.
Classical Electron Oscillator Model
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Laser Spectroscopy Podcast
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