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Holistic Survival Show
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Holistic Survival Show

Survive and thrive in today’s turbulent world. Welcome to The Holistic Survival Show, where Jason Hartman helps you prepare for modern survival with simple, realistic steps you can take to make the world a better place. Protect the people, places and profits you care about in uncertain times.
Wars continue to flare with frightening regularity around the world. Global financial markets, once sedate and predictable, spin out of control in an ever-expanding cycle of chaos. Here at home in the United States, each passing day brings another industry to its knees, begging for fistfuls of bailout cash from a frantic but shortsighted government addicted to spending money it doesn’t have.
The ship of society is taking on water and the bailing bucket is too small. Uncertain times? That’s an understatement but it will have to do for now. Where do we go from here? Who knows? The real question is do you possess the critical life skills necessary to protect the people, places, and profits you care so much about? This is the insurance for a better life that The Holistic Survival Show is concerned with.
Where can you look to find the truth?
Not the media, that’s for sure. These self-proclaimed experts are chronically inaccurate, intellectually vacant, and morally bankrupt. Their knowledge and skills are not worth the weight of the pixels on this screen. No truth there. What about our politicians? Please, don’t even think about that option. Add criminally irresponsible to their list of sins.
Eyes now opening for the first time are looking around for information to trust to protect the things they love now, and in the future. Holistic Survival steps into the void to rise above the pablum and rhetoric to say “This is the better way.”
Take a look back at the last quarter of 2008. The whiplash of financial unrest shows us all how fast what we thought was an unassailable house of cards can come crashing down. Are you ready for what lies ahead? Do you have a plan? Do you even know what to look out for? The Holistic Survival Show is there to provide peace of mind as we comprehensively cover the contemporary topics necessary to survive and prosper.
This is not about the lunatic fringe, it is about practical techniques for real people like you…
This is about Main Street, USA. This is you and your neighbor, yuppies and soccer moms, college students and retirees, bank presidents and convenience store clerks – none can afford ignorance. We’re through the looking glass darkly now and must be ready for anything on the other side.
Holistic Survival is about being prepared for modern survival with simple, realistic steps everyone can take to make the world a better place. It’s about turning problems into possibilities. It’s about stability and community and equipping, fortifying, perfecting, providing, and securing peace of mind. It’s about self-reliance and personal responsibility.
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