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Financial PEP Talk
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Financial PEP Talk

The Financial PEP Talk is part of the Pioneer Educational Podcast series, and another component of the award-winning financial education program offered by Pioneer Services, the Military Banking Division of MidCountry Bank. These short podcasts (six to 10 minutes) cover a variety of financial topics and are designed to give you the information you need in a way that's easy to understand—and with tips you can actually use. Built upon the knowledge gained from more than 77 years in the finance industry, the Financial PEP Talk series is a great way for you to learn more about your finances, and can help you take control of your money before it takes control of you. Subscribe to the Financial PEP Talk today and gain the money management skills you need for a lifetime of financial success. To download and MP3 of this and our other podcasts, visit And for all of Pioneer Services' financial education materials, visit
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