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TeacherJen | Blog Talk Radio Feed
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TeacherJen | Blog Talk Radio Feed

Welcome to Teacher Talk Radio! I am your host Teacher Jen! I am a kindergarten teacher. I have been teaching for 5 years and LOVE it. In 2007, I earned the title, Teacher of the Year! Teaching is my hobby, but it's also my passion. I love to learn and share what I know with others! I have my Masters and Specialist degrees in education and plan on attaining my Doctorate in the near future. I encourage all teachers to continue learning in formal and informal ways to grow and learn how to better educate the students of tomorrow!
Teacher Talk Radio is a discussion forum where teachers can learn from each other! Topics will include Teaching Strategies, Curriculums, Books Studies, and More! Teacher Jen will host Guest Teachers, Publishers, Authors, Teaching Supply Store Owners, and Others who will be sharing from their experiences to assist you in becoming a more effective teacher! Parents, Teachers and other Listeners are encouraged to call in to respectfully share their own experiences and opinions based on the Topic of the Day.
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