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Deutsche Welle is Germany’s international broadcaster that produces television, radio and online content in 30 languages. It provides a European perspective to its global audience and promotes intercultural dialogue.
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Our mission is simple. We want to promote the use of audio and video educational material for personal and professional development. What does this mean? It means that we want to help you to see how you can turn 'dead time' (time spent commuting, exercising, doing chores, etc.) into 'learning time.'
Audio Books, Podcasts, Videos, and Free Downloads to Learn From
Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
Arts, culture and city life from WNYC, New York Public Radio, 93.9 FM, 820 AM.
WNYC Culture
Schweizer Radio: Radio der deutschen und rätoromanischen Schweiz (SR DRS)
Schweizer Radio DRS
The purpose of CLIR’s Digital Library Federation program is to build and support a robust, engaged community whose members share a vested interest in advancing digital libraries. To this end, DLF serves as a resource and catalyst for collaboration among digital library developers, project managers, and all who are invested in digital library issues.
Pixel Corps es una idea del físico y divulgador científico Ángel Rodríguez Lozano para llegar a todo aquel que sienta inquietud por el estudio de la Naturaleza y las leyes que la gobiernan. Los últimos avances de la investigación científica, los retos de la tecnología, la historia de la ciencia tienen cabida en este espacio, explicados de forma amena y rigurosa. | Podcasts de Ciencia
Vorläufer von Funkhaus Europa waren die so genannten „Gastarbeiterprogramme“, mit denen der WDR und andere Rundfunkanstalten der ARD seit 1961 der wachsenden Zahl von ausländischen Arbeitnehmern in Deutschland gerecht werden wollten.
Funkhaus Europa
Tampa Bay's NPR station and your source for great public broadcasting on the radio, TV and online.
WUSF Public Media | Tampa, St. Petersburg & Sarasota
The Research Triangle Park is home to more than 170 global companies, including IBM, GSK, Syngenta, RTI International, Credit Suisse, and Cisco, that foster a culture of scientific advancement and competitive excellence.
SR 2 KulturRadio est le deuxième programme de la Saarländischer Rundfunk. Il s’agit d’une radio à vocation culturelle. Sa devise est "...gut zu hören".
SR 2 Kulturradio
SR-online: Startseite
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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, to be followed by Alice Through the Looking Glass. Beautifully read by Natasha of Storynory. A free audio book.
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A Way with Words is a lively public radio show about words, language, and how we use them. Hundreds of thousands of language-lovers around the world tune in to hear author Martha Barnette and dictionary editor Grant Barrett take calls about slang, grammar, English usage, old sayings, word origins, regional dialects, family expressions, and speaking and writing well. The program is a fresh look at the pleasures and delights of language and linguistics, words and speech, writing and reading.
Join the conversation in the U.S. at 1-877-929-9673 (you can leave a message), in London at +44 20 7193 2113, in Mexico City at +52 55 8421 9771, via email at, on the web at, on Twitter at, and via Skype to the user name "wayword."
A Way with Words
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Perry Mason is a fictional defense attorney who originally appeared in detective fiction by Erle Stanley Gardner. This long running radio drama had several actors who played the famous lawyer starting with Bartlett Robinson and then followed by Santos Ortega, Donald Briggs, and finally John Larkin who played the famous attorney after 1947.
The radio portrayal of Perry Mason is a far more involved lawyer then the one who became famous on TV, the radio version would rather swap gunshots with evildoers than sit in a boring courtroom, waiting for the deliberation! The show was only 10 minutes and was more intense and favored action than courtroom drama. Perry Mason ran 12 seasons and moved to TV in the late 1950's with the now famous portrayal by Raymond Burr.
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