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National Defense Magazine's Podcast
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Shot on location in settings ranging from backyards and kitchens to parks and marinas, Cooking Solutions shows you, in easy step-by-step visuals, how to cook great tasting food. The show covers full recipe cooking as well as short "tips" on the preparation of meat, fish and sauces for easy, flavorful cooking. In the "on-the-road" segments, Chef John Engelhorn takes you into local markets and explains how to select the right cuts of meat, the freshest fish and the best vegetables for many different dishes. From "decks to docks," Cooking Solutions is a visual smorgasbord.
Cooking Solutions by Kenyon
people music videos etc
Cooking with Jason
A Celebration of Women, the Sacred Feminine and the Right Brain
Guiding Women to their Strength as Leaders
Leading Men to Strength without Armor
In Our Right Minds
Directed towards the decorative painting and faux finishing community, this show brings you "how to's", information on products in the market place, and plenty of usefull tips and tricks. Board members of the Professional Decorative Painters Association, who are industry leaders, contribute to this podcast. Also, all PDPA members are encouraged to submit their own videos. For more information contact the PDPA at
The Professional Decorative Painter's Podcast
HOW TO: Record Drums is the premier training video podcast for getting the most out of your Drum Recordings. Geared toward the musician, hobbyist, and aspiring recording engineer---this series delivers concise info from the basics to more advanced tips, opinions, and techniques. Look for future HOW TOs featuring guest engineers presenting unique insights on how they get "THAT" sound. Rock on! For the full length tutorials including larger 16x9 screen sizes, added content, special features, and optional mobile phone feeds, check out the HOW TO: Record Drums -PREMIUM Bundles at
HOW TO: Record Drums-TIPs
This is the first in our exciting 'Insight Training Series' covering the key skills of Photography from concept to execution. This DVD film addresses the essential elements and asks you to look beyond the lens and pre-visualise images in your mind before pressing the shutter. Lots of expert and common sense hints & tips to help you develop quickly.
Special Offer 50% discount: Composition One – Back to Basics podcast series…
Just £12 to members! To take advantage of this discount package, use Coupon Code “146D2C24B4″ when adding Composition One to your Shopping cart.
* Do you want to improve your understanding of how to achieve great composition?
* Would you like to understand the concept of pre-visualisation?
* Do you sometimes grapple with why a composition isn’t coming together, maybe due to bad geometry or other issues?
We invite you to sit back and relax and, with Martins expert guidance, lead you through a short series of podcasts on composition basics.
Introduction, The Basics, Previsualisation: Imaging by design, Kit, Clothing, props & accessories, Location recce, Test Shots: Angles & distraction, Dissemination: Test Shots, Shoot 1: Props & posing, Dissemination: Colour & reparation, Shoot 2: Ripples & refraction, Dissemination: Positive & negative space, Shoot 3: Letting your shoot evolve, Dissemination: Unifying the elements, Shoot 4: Geometry, tones & texture, Dissemination: Composition in-camera, Shoot 5: Dynamics & shadow play, Dissemination: Isolating your subject, Shoot 6: Improvisation, Dissemination: Illumination, Preview, links & credits
Composition One - Back to Basics
Vincent convie les gourmands dans sa cuisine pour les inspirer avec ses recettes faciles qui mettent l'eau à la bouche. Un chef décontracté qui a troqué sa toque pour partager le plaisir d'une bonne bouffe en toute amitié. Regarder c'est déjà goûter !
Le Casse croûte (Video)
Won't ya join me for a cold brew Friday's 5PM-ish. When ya crank all week, I like wrap it up with a cold one. Relax with a few friends, chat, and crack one open. Each week I'll try a new brew and let ya know what I think.
Steve's Friday Brew
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Next Generation Fighter - July 2008
National Defense Magazine's Podcast
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National Defense is a podcast on military technology and defense industry trends, from the articles of National Defense Magazine.
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In this podcast you will learn about the state-of-the-art production plant for the latest U.S. fighter jet, the F-35. You will also hear about how dogs have gained stature as critical anti-terrorism weapons. We also bring you an update on the Department of Homeland Security's struggles along the U.S.-Mexico border, and the latest breakthroughs on miniature robots for military use.
Next Generation Fighter - July 2008
In this podcast you will learn about "dirty bombs,” new technologies to provide mobile broadband communications to U.S. troops and the latest efforts to intercept airborne suicide bombers. We also bring you an update on the Pentagon's push to deploy more aerial surveillance assets over Iraq and Afghanistan.
Dirty Bombs- Weapons of mass panic, June 2008
In this podcast you will hear about the robotics industry's worries about its future in the military market. Also, we bring you an exclusive report on the current troubles that some of the military"s robots are experiencing in combat. Another special report from the May 2008 issue of National Defense takes a look at the use of unmanned aircraft in civilian airspace. Finally, a quick update on an innovative exchange program that lets the military get free missiles. And the latest on the challenges of patrolling the US/Mexico border.
Combat Robots Face Uncertain Future - May 2008
In this podcast you will learn about the Army's struggle to keep up with the demand for communications services in the battlefield. Also, we bring you an exclusive report on groundbreaking research that could help the Navy develop more powerful underwater sensors to hunt enemy submarines. Another special report from the April 2008 issue of National Defense takes a look at the rising capabilities of China"s aerospace industry.
Battlefield Communications - April 2008
In this podcast, we take a look at what's happening in Homeland Security, including new efforts to expedite airport checkups and to improve mass-alert systems at college campuses. We also share some of the odd advice that the Department of Homeland Security receives from science-fiction writers. Finally, we explore the latest research into military robots -- a technology that seems to offer endless potential both in the defense and civilian markets.
Airport Security - March 2008
In this podcast, we bring you exciting news about how US troops in Iraq are using their iPods to store critical information and to communicate with the Arab-speaking population. We also explore the enormous potential of "haptic? technology in military operations, and we tell you about an “armor challenge? that the Defense Department hopes will help develop the next generation protective armor for military vehicles. Finally, for those of you how enjoy golf, you will enjoy hearing about a new high-tech, energy efficient golf car.
National Defense Magazine -February 2008
Welcome to "What's New in National Defense,? a podcast on military technology and defense industry trends, from the January 2008 issue of National Defense Magazine.In this month"s edition, we give you a foretaste of what is shaping up to be a most contentious debate about the nation’s defense spending.Next month, Congress will receive the Pentagon’s budget request for fiscal year 2009. At the same time, a budgetary stalemate continues over funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.It may seem odd that, at a time when the Pentagon is getting more money than ever, fiscal dilemmas are looming.
National Defense Magazine - January 2008
Welcome to "What's New in National Defense,? a podcast on military
technology and defense industry trends, from the December 2007 issue of
National Defense Magazine.December"s cover story takes a look
at one the biggest paradoxes in today's high-tech military: Troops in
combat zones do not have easy access to information.The Army,
as the other branches of the military, has spent billions of dollars
during the past decade building large networks and communications
systems, but that wealth of technology does not necessarily flow down
to low-level troops.The problem often is described as a
"digital divide? between the technology haves — the upper echelons of
command — and the have-nots — the platoons and squads that are deployed
in remote areas. These small units for the most part are disconnected
from the Army"s main tactical networks and only are able to communicate
with short-range voice radios.
National Defense Magazine - December 2007
In this podcast, a special report on the Defense Department's spending on technology and science. Also, a look at the Navy's Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower.
National Defense Magazine - November Issue
Welcome to "What's New in National Defense,? a podcast on military technology and defense industry trends, from the October 2007 issue of National Defense Magazine. This podcast will give you a comprehensive look at some of the Department of Homeland Security"s key programs: The Coast Guard's multibillion dollar "Deepwater? and the Transportation Security Administration"s latest efforts to improve security checkpoints at U.S. airports.
National Defense Magazine - October Issue
Welcome to "What's New in National Defense,? a podcast on military technology and defense industry trends, from the September 2007 issue of National Defense Magazine. In this podcast, we provide exclusive details on one of the military's most exciting technologies: robots. You will hear about the robotic vehicles and weapons that promise to revolutionize warfare. Also in this podcast is a provocative take on the future of the U.S. Marine Corps, the smallest but nonetheless powerful branch of the armed services. The Corps' heavy commitment in Iraq is raising questions about if and when Marines can return to their more traditional duties at sea.
National Defense Magazine - September Issue
What's New in National Defense is a podcast on military technology and defense industry trends, from the August 2007 issue of National Defense Magazine. In this podcast you'll hear about the Army's latest attempts to make flying safer for helicopter pilots. You'll also hear about how the Navy is trying to reduce the exorbitant price tags for its new ships. And finally, you'll be told a rather scary story about dangerous chemical weapons that lurk in unexpected places.
National Defense Magazine - August Issue
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Welcome to the National Defense Magazine Podcast
In the June 2017 podcast, we look at the production costs of the F-35 joint strike fighter for international customers, how the Army could replace aging Bradley fighters with a next-generation combat vehicle and Special Operations Command's progress on developing a full body armor "Iron Man" suit to protect commandos. This podcast is sponsored by Amazon's GovCloud.
June 2017 — F-35 Global Sales: Exports expected to drive down joint strike fighter's price tag
In the May 2017 podcast, we look at how Air Force Special Operations Command is preparing to test an airborne directed energy weapon, whether the Army's next-generation combat vehicle will be robotic and the Coast Guard's budgetary "no man's land."
May 2017 — Special Operations Forces
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