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Hrvatski (Hrvatska)
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K2 The Church (South)
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People are watching. Viaway has partnership deals with thousands of large content providers. These partnerships and the wide range of content they represent provide appropriate environments for brand marketers and countless opportunities for high-profile placements.
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Deutsche Welle is Germany’s international broadcaster that produces television, radio and online content in 30 languages. It provides a European perspective to its global audience and promotes intercultural dialogue.
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
PBS and our member stations are America’s largest classroom, the nation’s largest stage for the arts and a trusted window to the world. In addition, PBS's educational media helps prepare children for success in school and opens up the world to them in an age-appropriate way.
We invite you to find out more about America’s largest public media enterprise.
Our mission is simple. We want to promote the use of audio and video educational material for personal and professional development. What does this mean? It means that we want to help you to see how you can turn 'dead time' (time spent commuting, exercising, doing chores, etc.) into 'learning time.'
Audio Books, Podcasts, Videos, and Free Downloads to Learn From
NPR (National Public Radio) is an internationally acclaimed producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment programming. A privately supported, not-for-profit membership organization, NPR serves a growing audience of 27.5 million Americans each week in partnership with more than 860 independently operated, noncommercial public radio stations.
J.C. Hutchins is an award-winning fiction and nonfiction storyteller, with 15 years of professional writing experience. His two novels – 7th Son: Descent and Personal Effects: Dark Art — were published in 2009 by St. Martin’s Press.
J.C. Hutchins
Radio Télévision Suisse : info, sport, météo, radio, programmes TV, audio, vidéo, TSR, RSR
Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) - Radio Télévision Suisse
Hong Kong's biggest Radio and TV
American Public Media, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, is the largest owner and operator of public radio stations and a premier producer and distributor of public radio programming in the nation. It is also the largest producer and distributor of classical music programming in the United States.
American Public Media
Home | American Public Media
Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
Escucha toda la programación de Radio Nacional de España en vivo y en directo o si te perdiste algún programa vuelve a oírlo en Radio a la Carta.
Radio Nacional de España - RTVE
Radio Nacional de España -
Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte
Slate is a daily magazine on the Web. Founded in 1996, we are a general-interest publication offering analysis and commentary about politics, news, business, technology, and culture
Slate Magazine
TBS RADIO podcasting 954
Delivering the largest adult radio audience in Sydney, the Macquarie Radio Network is home to the number one rating talk station, 2GB 873, and easy listening 2CH 1170. Macquarie Radio Network Limited was listed on the ASX in April 2005.
Macquarie Radio Network (C) bietet die wichtigsten Nachrichten aus und für NRW multimedial aufbereitet,begleitende Informationen zu Fernseh-Sendungen und Radio-Programmen sowie zahlreiche Audios und Videos auf Abruf. ist das Online-Angebot des Westdeutschen Rundfunks.
Westdeutscher Rundfunk
ingredienserna är en klocka och en snabbsnackande panel. Uppgiften är att under en minut på ett bestämt tema prata utan att tveka, upprepa sig eller lämna ämnet eller lokalen. Omgiven av en rad pratkvarnar och störande moment är inte detta det enklaste ens för den mest erfarne
PÃ¥ minuten i P1
DR og TV 2 har besluttet at sende et stort fælles indsamlingsprogram lørdag 27. august til fordel for de mange millioner nødlidende i Østafrika. Kim Bildsøe Lassen og Jes Dorph-Petersen er værter i programmet, der sendes fra UNICEF's bygninger i København direkte på DR1 og TV 2.
Next time the show will revolve around Rouge’s Double Dead Guy Ale, so scrape up some for drinking along if you can find it. And if you happen to be a fan of horror fiction, especially of the podcasted variety, crack open/download your favorite novel or short story and get reading/listening.
Charlie the Beer Guy
Personal Life Media authentic free podcasts and blogs for adults. Get free audio programs and blogs about self-help, dating, relationships, marriage, personal transformation, life-purpose, ecology, anti-aging, spirituality and more by experts for your iPod, iTunes, MP3 player, download or streaming.
Personal Life Media
Self Help Books, Audio, and Online Courses for personal growth and self improvement – Personal Life Media
K2 The Church (South)
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Podcasts to help you enjoy reading the books by C. S. Lewis. Helpful info and opinion about each book's history, themes, symbols and philosophy.
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Spiritually hip, fun, inspirational, unpredictable and All the Way LIVE! That is a yoga class with Louisiana born, DC-based yoga teacher Faith Hunter. Her vinyasa/flow yoga classes range from beginner to advanced with each providing just enough yoga sweetness for all. Teaching includes: pranayama (breathing), asana (postures), meditation and spiritually hip philosophy which enables you to connect to your true Divine Self. The LIVE yoga experience gives you a juicy taste of Faith and the students at Shakti MindBody Studio (the Bohemian chic yoga urban hang suite). Depending on the vibe and what students are craving that day, you will forever be surprised and filled with Divine joy and bliss. Class times: 1hr, 75min or 90 min. So roll out your mat and step into the Passion. If you are in the DC area visit Faith at Shakti or she can come to you for a private session or workshop at your local studio.
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The Christian Financial Radio Network offers financial and spiritual content for investors and active traders. Along with live market updates throughout the trading day, listeners will hear interviews with CEO's of public companies, economic and market commentaries from a Christian perspective, spiritual encouragement, and the best in Contemporary Christian Music, 24 hours a day. Our flagship program - "Prosperity for God's People" a 2005 People's Choice Award winner, is now heard in over 20 countries every trading day from 11AM - 1PM eastern. Our host "CT", CEO of Christian Traders and CT Global Media, is also the founder of New Hope Orphanage and School in Kampala Uganda, East Africa. New Hope is home to over 900 AIDS orphans. Tune in as CT trades the S&P eMini live in real time with a daily goal of 2 points or a 20% ROI during each 2 hour broadcast.
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Knit Together is more than just another podcast. We?re just a coupla of normal gals that love Jesus and knitting and want to share our passions with you! Let us encourage you in your knitting and your faith. Even though we?re Christians, we are normalish and still know how to have a great time. We meet up each week in our home town in Springfield, Missouri to chat it up about the latest patterns, daydream about the next thing we can cast on, rave about new yarns, and? well? Knit Together! We hope that you will join us on Ravelry, via the podcast, or stop by every Thursday from 6-8pm to knit together!
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Seneca Creek Community Church
Weekly Messages
Sundays, 9:15/11 A.M.
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