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PODCAST AWARDS NOMINEE 2006 2007 2008. Paul Boyer takes on Wall Street and the battle for your Financial Freedom. Sometimes reviews Jim Cramer picks. Plus: Money-making idea segments like Guru Roulette, Tools in the Crib, and Lazy Portfolio Smackdown. Subscribe to get the latest episodes! More info at
Mad Money Machine
Dorsey, Wright research is conducted along technical lines, adhering to the relationship between supply and demand. We believe this simple but accurate economic theory is manifested as a constant battle between these two forces for control of the equity vehicle. It is this objective, logical approach which helps reduce uncertainty in the market. We believe our Research, coupled with your own fundamental research, will greatly increase your probability of success whether your investment business is equities, fixed income, mutual funds, commodities or ETFs. (For complete podcast list please visit
Dorsey Wright & Associates Technical Analysis Podcast
Random Observations on Art, Photography, and the Creative Process. These short 2-4 minute talks focus on the creative process in fine art photography. LensWork editor Brooks Jensen side-steps techno-talk and artspeak to offer a stimulating mix of ideas, experience, and observations from his 35 years as a fine art photographer, writer, and publisher. Topics include a wide range of subjects from finding subject matter to presenting your work and building an audience. Brooks Jensen is the publisher of LensWork, one of the world's most respected and award-winning photography publications, known for its museum-book quality printing and luxurious design. LensWork is sold in over 1500 stores in the USA and has subscribers in 62 countries. His latest books are "Letting Go of the Camera" (2004) and "Single Exposures" (2005).
LensWork - Photography and the Creative Process
The Podcast for the Creative Professional, Media Artist Secrets provides creative artistic inspiration, tells how to market your talents in your business, fine-tune your vision, advance your skills and share your creations with the world - audio for iPod/iPhone
Media Artist Secrets (iPod/iPhone/iPod touch/iPod nano audio)
The story behind the story -- mainstream journalists, influential bloggers and podcasters talk in depth about how technology is changing the news media business.
On the Record...Online
Each week the Bionic Genius Roundtable features comedy, music and interviews with artists, musicians, writers, theremin players, weather prognosticating llamas and the occasional Star Wars geek, all in an effort to meet our goal of educating and entertaining America!
the Bionic Genius Roundtable
Report on the U.S. employment situation with an added emphasis on staffing services activity presented by an employment and economic consultant. For an interactive movie version, complete with charts and graphs, go to
U.S. Employment Report
Listen in while Stacey and Stephen explore the wilds of the kitchen and try new cuisines!
The Hapless Gourmands
Storyteller Lance Anderson lives somewhere between the Verge of success and the bohemian Fringe of Hollywood. This is his Podcast....
Verge of the Fringe
Sue Morem is a career expert. Listen and get the the professional edge in the one activity that takes up most of your week – your job.
Professional Edge With Sue Morem
Zany sexy fun from America s Favorite Burlesque Gameshow This or That Crazy contest challenges meet hot burlesque and variety acts in the sexiest game show ever invented
This is the Nosheteria, kind of like a cafeteria, where bites on food are served up to you like little morsels of goodness. Here you'll get a little bit of everything, the occasional recipe, the amusing observation, and the always entertaining story about my life (you're expected to care) in food. Haute cuisine for the masses!
Nosheteria Podcast
Small Business Trends Radio features in depth interviews with small business experts.
Small Business Trends Radio | Small Business Advice
"It's all about the story" Stand Up Comedian Tom Shillue, (from the standup TV special Comedy Central Presents: Tom Shillue), lives up to his reputation as New York's best comic storyteller with these largely improvised monologues. These stories were performed in front of a live audience in NYC.
- Tom Shillue Live Comedy Podcast -
Hear live recordings of the songs from the Tony-nominated composer's new songbook.
The Jeff Blumenkrantz Songbook Podcast
Each film noir weaves its own yarn of longing, corruption, and fateful decisions. On the first of every month, Clute and Edwards investigate one noir or neo-noir in detail. Following various threads of inquiry, they attempt to unravel the vast canvas of noir.
Out of the Past: Investigating Film Noir
Revision3 is the leading television network for the internet generation. We create and produce all-original episodic community driven programs watched by a super-committed and passionate fan base
Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte is among the world's leaders in online news and information delivery. Staffed 24 hours, seven days a week by a dedicated staff in CNN's world headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, and in bureaus worldwide, relies heavily on CNN's global team of almost 4,000 news professionals.
CNN brings you free video and audio podcasts from NBC News, MSNBC TV and Watch or listen to your favorite news programming on your PC or portable player.
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Visit ABC online for information on ABC daytime and primetime network programming. Watch full episodes of your favorite ABC shows and browse exclusive online content.
ABC - Official Site of the ABC Network
Building the Foundation for Successful Password Self-Service: Part 1
The Security Catalyst
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Michael Santarcangelo is a human catalyst*. As an expert who speaks on information protection -- including compliance, privacy and awareness -- Michael energizes and inspires his audiences to change how they protect information. His passion and approach gets results that change behaviors. As a full member of the National Speakers Association, Michael is known for delivering substantial content in a way that is energetic and entertaining. Michael connects with those he
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works with, and helps them engage in natural and comfortable ways - he literally makes security relevant and simple to understand!
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Note from Michael: this month we’re going to try something different with this series by breaking the articles up into smaller chunks and serve them on a weekly basis. Same series, same great content, delivered in smaller chunks. Cool? By now, you’re so sick of userID cleanup that you’re probably wondering why you didn’t select [...]
Related posts:Data Cleanup Part 2: Other UserIDs
Data Cleanup Part 1: Primary UserIDs
Building the Foundation for Successful Password Self-Service: Part 1
Note from Michael: this month we’re going to try something different with this series by breaking the articles up into smaller chunks and serve them on a weekly basis. Same series, same great content, delivered in smaller chunks. Cool? By now, you’re so sick of userID cleanup that you’re probably wondering why you didn’t select [...]
Related posts:Data Cleanup Part 2: Other UserIDs
Data Cleanup Part 1: Primary UserIDs
Building the Foundation for Successful Password Self-Service: Part 1
“What does success look like?” This is one of the first questions I ask my clients. It is also the first step of the Catalyst Foundation Series™ – which means I get to ask this question a lot. I find the more I ask the question of myself and others, the better the answers. The [...]
Related posts:Invitation to engage: Catalyst Conversation Starters
Security from Scratch: Defining Success
Into the Breach – Audio Series – Chapter 8 (Measuring Success)
Catalyst Conversation Starter: What does success look like?
“What does success look like?” This is one of the first questions I ask my clients. It is also the first step of the Catalyst Foundation Series™ – which means I get to ask this question a lot. I find the more I ask the question of myself and others, the better the answers. The [...]
Related posts:Invitation to engage: Catalyst Conversation Starters
Security from Scratch: Defining Success
Into the Breach – Audio Series – Chapter 8 (Measuring Success)
Catalyst Conversation Starter: What does success look like?
Questions are the catalyst to conversations; conversations hold the key to understanding. As a believer in the power of asking questions and engaging in conversation, I am starting a new monthly series: catalyst conversation starters. The idea is simple: ask a short question, share some thoughts, then open it up for everyone to participate through [...]
Related posts:Into the Breach – Audio Series – Chapter 9 (Extending the Conversation: Rewards Beyond Protecting Information)
Giving back: The Catalyst Career Compass Program
Invitation to engage: Catalyst Conversation Starters
Questions are the catalyst to conversations; conversations hold the key to understanding. As a believer in the power of asking questions and engaging in conversation, I am starting a new monthly series: catalyst conversation starters. The idea is simple: ask a short question, share some thoughts, then open it up for everyone to participate through [...]
Related posts:Into the Breach – Audio Series – Chapter 9 (Extending the Conversation: Rewards Beyond Protecting Information)
Giving back: The Catalyst Career Compass Program
Invitation to engage: Catalyst Conversation Starters
Welcome to the continuation of the Into the Breach: Protect Your Business by Managing People, Information and Risk audio series. (Click this link) to learn more about this how this book solves today’s challenges and pick up a complete copy. This series, underwritten by Configuresoft, now part of EMC, is the full and unabridged audio [...]
Related posts:Into the Breach – Audio Series – Chapter 7 (Putting the Strategy to Work: A Pilot)
Into the Breach – Audio Series – Chapter 9 (Extending the Conversation: Rewards Beyond Protecting Information)
by Trish Smith It is important to understand personality types and traits when working with and managing other people (check out my article about that here). There are two traits with the strongest influence on personality style. An understanding of these provides advantages for managing and communicating – advantages that are essential for success. The [...]
Related posts:Personality types: Your key to better business relationships
Managing extroverts and introverts
by Trish Smith It is important to understand personality types and traits when working with and managing other people (check out my article about that here). There are two traits with the strongest influence on personality style. An understanding of these provides advantages for managing and communicating – advantages that are essential for success. The [...]
Related posts:Personality types: Your key to better business relationships
Managing extroverts and introverts
By Martin Fisher Think back to the best leader you’ve ever followed. For me, it was my Professor of Military Science when I was in ROTC during my college stint. Look at him and at first you’d see him as an “average” Army officer. He’d had a bunch of good assignments, some not so good [...]
Related posts:Leading from the Front: Bringing Planned Disruption To The Organization
Leading from the Front: Casting Vision – The Foundation of Effectively Disrupting the Organization
By Martin Fisher Think back to the best leader you’ve ever followed. For me, it was my Professor of Military Science when I was in ROTC during my college stint. Look at him and at first you’d see him as an “average” Army officer. He’d had a bunch of good assignments, some not so good [...]
Related posts:Leading from the Front: Bringing Planned Disruption To The Organization
Leading from the Front: Casting Vision – The Foundation of Effectively Disrupting the Organization
This is the seventh post in a series about data breaches you can prevent. We’ve covered Phones and Personal Computing Devices, Your Browser, Your Inbox, Your Thumb and External Drives, Your Old Computer, and Your Cloud Backup. Finally, we’ll discuss Your Network Drives. Most companies have an internal corporate network with one or more shared [...]
Related posts:7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Thumb Drive
7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Inbox
7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Cloud Backup
7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Network Drives
This is the sixth post in a series about data breaches you can prevent. We’ve covered Phones and Personal Computing Devices , Your Browser, Your Inbox, Your Thumb and External Drives, and Your Old Computer. Next we’ll discuss Your Cloud Backup. Online cloud computing gives individuals and small businesses access to Fortune 500 computing services, [...]
Related posts:7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Thumb Drive
7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Inbox
7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Old Windows 95 Computer
7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Cloud Backup
This is the fifth post in a series about data breaches you can prevent. We’ve covered Phones and Personal Computing Devices , Your Browser, and Your Inbox, and Your Thumb and External Drives. Next we’ll discuss Your Old Windows 95 Computer. Technology has made it easier than ever to be a digital pack rat. Cheap [...]
Related posts:7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Inbox
7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Phone
7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Thumb Drive
7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Old Windows 95 Computer
This post is the fourth in a series about data breaches you can prevent. We’ve covered Phones and Personal Computing Devices , Your Browser, and Your Inbox. Here we’ll explore Your Thumb and External Drives. Just about anything that can store information can be used to store sensitive personal information. Whether you use an external [...]
Related posts:7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Phone
7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Inbox
7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Browser
7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Thumb Drive
This post is the third in a series about data breaches you can prevent. We’ve already covered Phones and Personal Computing Devices and Your Browser. The next source we’ll explore is Your Inbox. Many people use web email as an extra online hard drive, saving important files and attachments in an easy-to access location. Yet [...]
Related posts:7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Phone
7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Browser
Vacancy Management and Hierarchies Part 3: Data/Access Ownership
7 Sources of Data Breaches You’ll Never Hear About: Your Inbox
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