Raymond and Tagbo, Rag and Tag, were inseparable childhood friends until Social Services tore them apart, removing Rag from his neglectful mother in London. At twenty-three, Rag returns a school dropout and jobless, while Tag has just graduated from law-school and is now applying to top-ranking London firms. But after all these years, they realize they are still connected on some deeper level and are oblivious to what anyone else thinks of their friendship. Tags Bible-preaching father has more disdain for the boys renewed friendship than he does for his sons white socialist girlfriend.Rag and Tags love for each other remains bottled up until a wealthy friend, with some shady business deal, invites them to Nigeria where they have plenty of time alone for their love to blossom. Finally ready to make a commitment to each other on their return to London, they realize that the obstacles they face may tear them apart forever.