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A Triune God:
One living God, everlasting, full of wisdom, power, and love. We believe God is the maker of all things, known to us in three persons: the Father (Creator), the Son (Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

God's Love for Us: Grace: We believe that God's gift to each of us is a love and an acceptance beyond measure. We call it Grace. God's grace was alive in Jesus, and we see it at work in Him. God's grace comes into our lives through the work of the Holy Spirit, the presence of God that invites us to change our lives, to deepen our spiritual life, to travel and grow along our spiritual journey.

Spiritual and Social Responsibility: We believe that good works grow out of our encounter with Christ and His teachings. We seek to nurture and deepen our faith; we seek to make our faith more than words, by the way we choose to live our lives and serve others in need.

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