Since December 2002 on the nations 10th largest broadcast signal, 580 WIBW, this unlikely pair has been shaking and re-shaping the foundation of Kansas' capital city. Breaking Topeka's top stories has become the hallmark of this rural Kansas boy and urban Ohio girl. Hints of their absolute will and ability to separate wheat from chaff came when Topeka's embattled two-time mayor was removed for campaign irregularities; the Shawnee County treasurer was soon to follow for fleecing the taxpayers; exposing the theft of more than $500,000 from the county's largest school district, unreported for almost three years, were just warm-ups for this real life dynamic duo. If you missed the live broadcast, heard 11am-2pm CST, or just want to listen in again, feast your ears on Best of interviews and a weekly archive of the latest programs.