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グレゴリー・クラーク氏が最新の経済問題や時事英語を楽しく解説していきます。日本経済新聞社発行の週刊英字経済紙「THE NIKKEI WEEKLY」(英文日経)をテキスト代わりに実用的に英語を学ぶことができ、ビジネス英会話や英字新聞の読解力の向上・英検受験に役立ちます。ぜひ「THE NIKKEI WEEKLY」をお手元にお聴き下さい!!
UN Radio covers the activities of the United Nations from its headquarters in New York and from around the world. Issues of peace and security, development and human rights are our concern, so stories on conflict resolution, elections, health, poverty, education and climate change are high on our list of topics to cover. This podcast is free of charge and provides you with a selection of material from our website.
United Nations Radio in English
UN Podcast
The Survival Podcast is an online radio show that covers all aspects of modern survivalism with topic such as...
* The Current and Future State of the Economy
* Using Solar Energy Sources
* Small Scale Farming and Survival Gardening
* Political Philosophies and Libertarian Ideals
* Wilderness and Emergency Situation Survival
* Food Storage Options
* Preparing for Natural Disasters
* Homesteading (Suburban and Rural)
* Small Live Stock
* Small Scale Aquaculture
* Safe Investing in Modern Times
* Solar Cooking
* Bio Fuels
* Our Looming National Debt and What it Means to the Individual
* Seed Saving and Heirloom Fruits and Vegetables
* Guns and firearms
* Self Defense Methods
* Investing in Gold and Silver
* True Patriotism
The Survival Podcast
"Journal Interview" ist ein Video Podcasting Angebot von DW-TV. Hier finden Sie jede Woche Interviews zu aktuellen Themen. Die Gästeliste im "Journal Interview" liest sich wie ein "Wer ist Wer?" Deutschlands und Europas.
Journal Interview | Video Podcast | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory (spelled E-M-O-R-Y) goes into all the hidden truths and details about evil men and their trade practices.
WFMU's Dave Emory
WFAE - Economy
USA WEEKEND invited 3 celebrities to name their favorite podcasts and tell why they liked them. Alan Colmes, radio personality and best known as the co-host of Fox News Channel’s "Hannity and Colmes" singled out "You Are The Guest" saying, "I've always thought that anybody can be made to sound interesting, and, thus, be a good guest. This podcast proves my point - everybody has a story worth telling."
You Are The Guest Podcast
RAND Congressional Briefings connect RAND experts with lawmakers, legislative staff, and respected opinion leaders on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., to present findings and recommendations on issues relevant to the current policy debate. To learn more, visit RAND online at
The RAND Corporation has been expanding the boundaries of human knowledge for 60 years. A nonprofit institution with a research staff consisting of some of the world's preeminent minds, RAND provides research and analysis that keeps policymakers ahead of the curve on the issues that matter most, such as health care, education, national security, civil justice, the environment, and more. No other institution tackles tough policy problems across so broad a spectrum.
RAND Congressional Briefing Series Podcast
Radio Spiritworld (Inter-dimensional)
Broadcasting from the afterlife to the living world.
Radio Spiritworld (Inter-dimensional)
Money makes the world go around, faster and faster every day. On NPR's Planet Money, you'll meet high rollers, brainy economists and regular folks -- all trying to make sense of our rapidly changing global economy.
NPR: Planet Money Podcast
Weekly public affairs program on KKFI-FM 90.1, Kansas City community radio
Tell Somebody
Audio and video content from Vanity Fair
The Vanity Fair Podcast
SWR2 Impuls. Das Magazin für Neugierige und Wissensdurstige. SWR2 Impuls möchte täglich Denkanstöße geben mit Wissenswertem, Außergewöhnlichem und Skurrilem aus allen Bereichen des Alltags. Impuls will unterhalten mit Musik und Beiträgen, die sich wohltuend vom Mainstream abheben.
SWR2 Impuls
Listen to our daily radio program, Jay Sekulow Live! for issues that matter most to you - national security, protecting America's families, and protecting human life. The reports are brought to you by the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ), a nonprofit organization specializing constitutional law and based in Washington, D.C. You can learn more about our work by visiting our website at
Jay Sekulow Live Radio Show
Each week, TIME asks 10 reader-submitted questions to the latest newsmakers including celebrities, politicians and world leaders. Have a question to ask a public figure? Check weekly to submit your question and to see who'll be our next guest.
TIME's 10 Questions Podcast
Radio National's agenda-setting current affairs radio documentary program.
Background Briefing
PBS and our member stations are America’s largest classroom, the nation’s largest stage for the arts and a trusted window to the world. In addition, PBS's educational media helps prepare children for success in school and opens up the world to them in an age-appropriate way.
We invite you to find out more about America’s largest public media enterprise.
NPR (National Public Radio) is an internationally acclaimed producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment programming. A privately supported, not-for-profit membership organization, NPR serves a growing audience of 27.5 million Americans each week in partnership with more than 860 independently operated, noncommercial public radio stations.
WNYC 93.9 FM and AM 820 are New York's flagship public radio stations, broadcasting the finest programs from National Public Radio and Public Radio International, as well as a wide range of award-winning local programming.
Public Radio International/WNYC is among the world's leaders in online news and information delivery. Staffed 24 hours, seven days a week by a dedicated staff in CNN's world headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, and in bureaus worldwide, relies heavily on CNN's global team of almost 4,000 news professionals.
This is the United Nations homepage. Here you will find related information and links.
UN Podcast
Welcome to the United Nations
CBS News brings you the latest breaking world news, national news, political, business and entertainment news, as well as stories from 60 Minutes and the Early Show.
CBS Radio News
Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News
The Pentagon Channel broadcasts military news and information for the 2.6 million members of the U.S. Armed Forces through programming including:
• Department of Defense news briefings
• Military news
• Interviews with top Defense officials
• Short stories about the work of our military
In addition to enhancing Department of Defense communications with the 1.4 million active duty service members, the Pentagon Channel will provide the 1.2 million members of the National Guard and Reserve and the 650,000 civilian employees of the Department of Defense more timely access to military information and news.
The Pentagon Channel television service is distributed 24/7 and is available to all stateside cable and satellite providers, via American Forces Radio and Television Services, overseas and via the worldwide web right here at
The Pentagon Channel offers a single source where medical professionals and patients can access the most cutting-edge medical news, information and innovations. This site is the only one of its kind on the Web and it's free.
ProMed Network
Welcome - ProMed Network
“DC Public Safety” is the social media service of the federal Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency. “DC Public Safety” includes television, radio, a blog and transcripts and is one of the most popular social sites for crime and criminal justice issues in the United States. See website at
DC Public Safety Television, Radio, Blog and Transcripts
DC Public Safety Television, Radio, Blog and Transcripts
Technological Weak Spots - November 2009 National Defense Magazine
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National Defense is a podcast on military technology and defense industry trends, from the articles of National Defense Magazine.
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In this podcast, we bring you the latest news about some of the tough technological challenges the military needs help solving.
Technological Weak Spots - November 2009 National Defense Magazine
Efforts by the Army to lower the weight of body armor and the loads that soldiers must carry in combat are the topics of this podcast. We also reports on the latest changes that the Army has made to the way body armor is tested before it's shipped to soldiers in the field.
Body Armor - October 2009 National Defense Magazine
For every threat to the homeland, there's a business that has a technology waiting in the wings to counter a would-be terrorist"s moves. This podcast gives you the a few up and coming technologies targeted toward the homeland security market.
Counterterrorism - September 2009
This podcast gives you the latest news of how the U.S. military is taking advantage of the Obama administration's stimulus legislation passed by Congress earlier this year to fund alternative-energy projects.
Fuel Cells August 2009 National Defense Magazine
In this podcast, we bring you the latest news about unmanned aircraft. The market is booming, a global UAV arms race is under way, and the U.S. Air Force continues to expand its UAV presence in the battlefield.
UAVs - July 2009 National Defense Magazine
In the age of terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and flu pandemics, there is no shortage of half-truths floating around. But we can't blame people for being confused. For an overwhelming majority of people, the biggest myth that comes to mind in the world of weapons of terror is Iraq"s infamous WMDs that were never found. There are other myths, perhaps not nearly as riveting, that pervade in the nation's collective consciousness and should be dispelled.
7 Deadly Myths About Weapons of Terror - National Defense Magazine
This podcast focuses on the military's energy challenges, which range from deploying electric generators to the battlefield to trying to produce renewable energy and reducing consumption of fossil fuels.
Energy May 2009 - National Defense Magazine
Hear about the Army's latest troubles equipping combat trucks with fire-safety equipment. Also, we report on the Special Operations Command"s attempt to provide NFL-quality rehab for its wounded warriors. Following is a story about the risks posed by long-range missiles possibly aimed at U.S. Navy aircraft carriers and what that means for the future use of unmanned jets aboard carriers. Finally, a story about the expanded use of robots in ground combat.
Army Trucks - Fix them or toss them, April 2009 National Defense
In this podcast, you will hear why the growing number of hijackings of oil tankers is a worrisome trend that underscores the vulnerability of U.S. energy supply lines. We also explore why the U.S. military may be souring on laser weapons, and we bring you the latest cybersecurity news from the Defense Department. Other stories in this podcast probe the U.S. military role in the war on drugs and how military technologies are being adapted for port security.
Piracy - March 2009 National Defense Magazine
In this podcast, you will learn about how the Army plans to equip its Humvee trucks with "cockpit” style technology so soldiers can tap into their tactical networks, maps and other critical intelligence, all from inside their vehicle. Previous attempts to do this were unsuccessful because the hardware was too heavy. We also bring you an update on the Army's efforts to save fuel by deploying electric vehicles on military posts. These vehicles will be small -- comparable to golf carts but quite a bit more sophisticated -- and be used for driving on-base only, not for combat. But because the Army has so many large bases, it estimates that by replacing conventional SUVs with these electric vehicles, it could save millions of dollars over time. Later in the podcast, there"s a story about the Defense Department’s plans to increase research and development of nonlethal weapons. Lastly, you will hear about how space technologies are being channeled to efforts to study global warming.
Cockpits In Combat Vehicles - February 2009 National Defense
There is a growing demand in the U.S. military for so-called "biometrics” technologies to identify potential terrorists. In this podcast you will hear about the new ways in which the U.S. military is applying this technology. We also discuss the controversial issue of whether defense contractors should be obligated to disclose incriminating evidence about any potential wrongdoing associated with defense contracts. Finally, we bring you a couple of fascinating science stories. One is a giant “tunnel plug” to stem the spread of fires in subway stations, and the other is a new project to figure out how to recycle spent nuclear fuel.
Biometrics - January 2009 National Defense Magazine
Videogames and virtual simulations are everywhere in the U.S. military. They are used for training, learning new skills, preparing troops for war, and many other functions. Now there is an emerging application for virtual simulations as therapy tools to help troops overcome post-traumatic stress disorder. In this podcast you will hear about this new technique. We also discuss the controversial issue of whether the Pentagon is getting its money's worth for its simulators. We also bring you a truly eye-opening story about how British researchers are studying facial expressions to help authorities catch smugglers as they cross the border.
Battlefield Stress - December 2008
Science and technology are the dominant themes in this podcast, ranging from the Defense Department's list of "hits” and “misses,” to news of a recent report that blames the Pentagon for not attracting top-notch scientific and engineering talent. We also bring you a fascinating story about how researchers at an Army-funded lab are drawing inspiration from marine sponges to develop new ways to manufacture mundane materials such as fiberglass.
Technology Hits and Misses - November 2008
Army scientists think they can give soldiers 'superhero' powers. The Navy and Marine Corps, meanwhile, are working on new armor that could offer the same protection as steel at a much lower weight. A cutting-edge backpack current being designed could end up producing electricity to power soldiers" gadgets. At the Pentagon, cyber-cops worry about the "millennials” and their disregard for the status quo. In this podcast, we bring you these exciting stories and much more.
Super Soldiers - October 2008 National Defense Magazine
As they prepare to fight wars in the world's most unstable regions, Marines want to learn more about the local cultures of these troubled areas. The Marine Corps, meanwhile, continues to struggle to save one of its most expensive armored vehicles from the budget axe. The Air Force worries about the fate of its prized F-22 fighter jet. In this podcast, we bring you details on these critical stories. You will also hear about the challenges facing the Department of Homeland Security as it prepares for its first transition to a new administration. Also, we bring you the latest on the government"s increasing use of biometrics technology.
Marine Corps Strategy - September 2008 National Defense Magazine
How does climate change affect national security? Will the world see a nuclear renaissance as it seeks to wean itself from oil? What is the secret to Japan's success in reducing greenhouse gas emissions? In this podcast, we seek to provide answers. You will also hear about the military"s growing dependence on unmanned aircraft, including its newest addition -- the Reaper attack drone.
Climate Wars - August 2008 National Defense Magazine
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