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pennfuture's Podcast
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pennfuture's Podcast

PennFuture works to create a just future where nature, communities and the economy thrive. We enforce environmental laws and advocate for the transformation of public policy, public opinion and the marketplace to restore and protect the environment and safeguard public health. PennFuture advances effective solutions for the problems of pollution, sprawl and global warming; mobilizes citizens; crafts compelling communications; and provides excellent legal services and policy analysis. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, PennFuture is Pennsylvania's leading environmental organization.

What is PennFuture doing?

Working to increase clean renewable electricity to 10% of all supply;
Fighting factory farm pollution;
Helping to stop damage from mining;
Protecting watersheds from sprawl and pollution;
Reducing global warming pollution;
Watchdogging state government; and
Providing $2 million per year of free legal services to protect the environment.
PennFuture is already winning victories, and standing toe-to-toe with some mighty opponents.

Winning $32 million to support clean, renewable electricity in utility cases;
Building enough new windpower for 70,000 households and writing proposed legislation to require 10% of all electricity to be clean;
Convincing Governor Rendell to support a $1.4 billion environmental funding program;
Getting Governor Rendell to veto a bill to weaken regulation of factory farms.

Please browse our site for more information on this and all the other work that PennFuture is doing on behalf of Pennsylvania, its environment and its citizens.

JOIN PennFuture - Pennsylvania's leading and most effective environmental organization. By doing so, you will help enforce our laws and watchdog state government.
You WILL make a difference!
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