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Revision3 is the leading television network for the internet generation. We create and produce all-original episodic community driven programs watched by a super-committed and passionate fan base
Voice of America (VOA) is the official external broadcast institution of the United States federal government. It is one of five civilian U.S. international broadcasters working under the umbrella of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). VOA provides a wide range of programming for broadcast on radio and TV and the Internet outside of the U.S. in 44 languages. VOA produces about 1,500 hours of news and feature programming each week for an estimated global audience of 123 million people, "to promote freedom and democracy and to enhance understanding through multimedia communication of accurate, objective, and balanced news, information and other programming about America and the world to audiences overseas.
Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte
Next time the show will revolve around Rouge’s Double Dead Guy Ale, so scrape up some for drinking along if you can find it. And if you happen to be a fan of horror fiction, especially of the podcasted variety, crack open/download your favorite novel or short story and get reading/listening.
Charlie the Beer Guy
Quick and Dirty Tips creates and distributes digital content that offers short, actionable advice from friendly and informed authorities that will help you succeed at work and in life.
CBS News brings you the latest breaking world news, national news, political, business and entertainment news, as well as stories from 60 Minutes and the Early Show.
CBS Radio News
Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News
I’ve been a pilot for a major U.S. Carrier since 1989. Before that I flew A-10s for the Air Force. I was stationed at RAF Bentwaters in the UK, and then at McClellan AFB in California. I left the Air Force and then we won the cold war. I think it was just a coincidence
Joe d'Eon
Whether on-air or online, the GameTrailers brand has become synonymous with world-exclusive media and award-winning coverage of the billion-dollar interactive entertainment industry that takes viewers inside events and individual games like no other media outlet in the world. From frequent reviews, previews, and world-premier trailers to daily gameplay clips, breaking news, and complete industry coverage, helps our audience keep its finger on the pulse of the gaming world. Plus, a growing library of unique original content and a robust roster of editorial coverage keeps the audience informed and entertained while a unique social presences and community-driven features ensure our viewers’ voice is always heard.
The Pentagon Channel broadcasts military news and information for the 2.6 million members of the U.S. Armed Forces through programming including:
• Department of Defense news briefings
• Military news
• Interviews with top Defense officials
• Short stories about the work of our military
In addition to enhancing Department of Defense communications with the 1.4 million active duty service members, the Pentagon Channel will provide the 1.2 million members of the National Guard and Reserve and the 650,000 civilian employees of the Department of Defense more timely access to military information and news.
The Pentagon Channel television service is distributed 24/7 and is available to all stateside cable and satellite providers, via American Forces Radio and Television Services, overseas and via the worldwide web right here at
The Pentagon Channel Staff
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New York Times best-selling novelist Scott Sigler gives away all of his stories as free, serialized audiobooks. Described as "Stephen King meets Michael Crichton meets Chuck Palahniuk," Scott's stories of hard-science horror will have you tapping a vein as you Jones for next week's fix.
Subscribe to hear major-release hardcover novels read by the author, as well as short fiction and a weekly dose of Scott's column for the AMC channel, called "Laughing in the Face of Death." For more info and more free audiobooks, visit
Scott Sigler Audiobooks
Imprint is a Twilight podcast brought to you by the creators of Listen in as we discuss the latest Twilight book and film news, literary analysis, and much more!
Imprint: The #1 Twilight Podcast
It's story time for adults with PRI's award-winning series of short fiction read by the stars of stage and screen. Recorded live at Peter Norton Symphony Space in NYC and on tour. A co-production of Symphony Space and WNYC, New York Public Radio.
PRI: Selected Shorts Podcast
Public Radio International/WNYC is pleased to present the Classical Mythology podcast. With this series we will investigate the characters and events that formed bedrock of belief in the ancient western world. Whether you are interested in a certain Divinity or a particular story, this podcast is a must for all students of myth.
Classical Mythology Podcast
A podcast of public-domain audio books for kids, read by Kara Shallenberg.
New chapters will appear on Mondays. We've finished The Road to Oz, A Little Princess, The Secret Garden, Heidi, Our Island Story, an anthology of poetry for children, a children's history of the Middle Ages, More William, This Country of Ours Part 1, Helen's Babies, and The Book of Art for Young People, and When Mother Lets Us Cook. Next we had The Adventures of Sally, by P. G. Wodehouse -- not actually a children's book, but it won't do the little ones any harm and should be fun for the tweens and teens. Now it's The Story of Mankind -- an excellent history book for kids, read as a duet with my friend Michelle Crandall. Enjoy! Send questions and comments to All of my recorded books can be found at
Kara's Free Audiobooks
A Way with Words is a lively public radio show about words, language, and how we use them. Hundreds of thousands of language-lovers around the world tune in to hear author Martha Barnette and dictionary editor Grant Barrett take calls about slang, grammar, English usage, old sayings, word origins, regional dialects, family expressions, and speaking and writing well. The program is a fresh look at the pleasures and delights of language and linguistics, words and speech, writing and reading.
Join the conversation in the U.S. at 1-877-929-9673 (you can leave a message), in London at +44 20 7193 2113, in Mexico City at +52 55 8421 9771, via email at, on the web at, on Twitter at, and via Skype to the user name "wayword."
A Way with Words
TORN from the pages of his bestselling compendium of fake facts, MORE INFORMATION THAN YOU REQUIRE, John Hodgman presents TODAY IN THE PAST, transmitted directly from the computer to your ears in his own RECORDED VOICE. The first page-a-day calendar with no physical pages, TODAY IN THE PAST will provide you not only the date, but also a fascinating historical fact that did not occur on that date, because it was made up by John Hodgman, Resident Expert and Famous Minor Television Personality.
If, for some reason, you need more fake facts per day than this Page-a-Day Calendar Without Pages provides, you can also find all of the pages of MORE INFORMATION THAN YOU REQUIRE, along with the rest of the COMPLETE WORLD KNOWLEDGE SERIES (The Areas of My Expertise), transformed into similar but not identical pageless technology (known as the Audio Book) elsewhere in the iTunes store. Or, for those who hate technology and/or fetishize paper, there is also a non-pageless paperback version available in appropriate stores (you know where they are).
Today In the Past
A good book is best shared with friends. Watch webcasts with Oprah's favorite authors and discuss the latest Oprah's Book Club selection.
Oprah's Book Club
Oprah Winfrey
Build your vocabulary with Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day! Each day a Merriam-Webster editor offers insight into a fascinating new word -- explaining its meaning, current use, and little-known details about its origin.
Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
The Classic Tales Podcast delivers professional performances of unabridged classics. Enjoy classic short fiction from Poe, Dickens, Hardy, and others. Performed by character actor B.J. Harrison.
The Classic Tales Podcast
Join Slate's critics for regular discussions of new and important books. Read the book club selections and then listen in as our critics hold lively -- and sometimes heated -- debates about the works.
(Note: Book club podcasts are also included in the regular Slate Daily Podcast feed.)
Slate's Audio Book Club
Slate Magazine
Audiobooks with Annie is a podcast of classic books in the public domain, read aloud to you by me, Annie, for free. I am currently reading Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery. Previous audiobooks include Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. You can email me questions or comments at ac DOT timshel AT gmail DOT com or visit my website at
Audiobooks with Annie
Around Comics the Comic Books Culture Podcast features the very best comic book news, reviews and opinions. The AC Heroes offer a deep knowledge of comic books, as well as a fantastic sense of humor and a true passion for the medium. Two shows a week. Monday's episode features a magazine style format chock full of industry news, commentary, comic book previews, gaming information, heroclix, market watch, creator interviews, dvd releases and more. Thursday's bring you a roundtable discussion, movie commentaries, special guest panelists, comic book reviews, movie discussions and pop culture talk. Fun, intelligent, and educational, you never know what a new show may offer, but it will be sure to keep you entertained. Previous guests on the show include John Byrne, Ed Brubaker, Jason Aaron, Jeffrey Brown, Phil Hester, Ande Parks, Tony Moore, Steve Niles, Greg Rucka, Richard Starkings David Wyndorf and others. In-studio panel members feature a revolving cast of freinds including Chris Neseman, Tom Katers, Brian 'Sal' Salazar, Skottie Young, Mike Norton, Hilary Barta, Dave Wachter, John Siuntres and others. Recorded from Dark Tower Comics and Collectables on Chicago's North Side, Around Comics is a fresh, entertaining and often hilarious look at the world of comic books and the fans that love them.
Around Comics - The Comic Book Culture Podcast
Poetry podcasts of the great poems of the past. It's English literature for living - a few minutes of the day for quiet and reflection.
Classic Poetry Aloud - giving voice to the poetry of the past.
Request a reading by e-mail.
iTunes holds the most recent 100 readings.
To search through every reading since May 2007, visit the index:
Classic Poetry Aloud
Poul Henningsen dengang og nu - lysmageren i nyt lys. Kulturkritikeren og multikunstneren Poul Henningsen figurerer
stadig livligt i debatten, men ofte som skræmmebillede på en udefineret
’kulturradikalisme’. Han er en mand alle har meninger om,
tit på tredje hånd, hans ideer er delvis skjult af fordomme og uvidenhed,
men der er også reel uenighed om ham. Dette seminar vil
diskutere åbent og kritisk hvad han står for, og hvilken indflydelse
han har haft på dansk livsform og bevidsthed.
Seminaret vil over 12 torsdage bringe fagfolk i debat med hinanden
og med publikum for at afklare PH’s indsats og betydning. De
indkaldte kendere kommer fra historie, kunst-, teater-, arkitekturog
designhistorie, litteratur-, sprog-, film- og medievidenskab,
kvindeforskning, jura, teologi, medicin samt fra medierne og det
politiske liv. De enkelte torsdage vil behandle PH’s idéhistoriske
placering, PH som kritiker og lyriker, hans forhold til lys, arkitektur,
byplanlægning og naturfredning, til revy og jazz, slaget om
Danmarksfilmen 1935, hans kultur-, radio-, tv-kritik, hans forhold
til retsopgør og flygtningedebat 1945-47, til seksualitet, kropskultur
og kvindesag, til arbejderbevægelse, kommunisme og konservatisme,
til reklame og forbrugerkritik. Ved tre arrangementer er
indlagt sang og musik fra PH’s repertoire, og vi slutter med en paneldiskussion
om PH, folkelighed, frisind og arven fra ham, med
repræsentanter for flere kulturpolitiske positioner.
I lighed med de tidligere forelæsningsrækker Den kulturradikale
udfordring (2000) og Det stadig moderne gennembrud (2002) er
seminaret lagt som gå-hjem-arrangementer på et tidspunkt og på
en central adresse der skulle være bekvem for mange. Der er fri
adgang for alle – så længe der er plads.
PH - dengang og nu -AUDIO PODCAST-
Københavns Universitet
Book Two: The Hunt has arrived! Famed fantasy and sci-fi author Mercedes Lackey and newcomer Steve Libbey have joined forces to create a superhero-themed braided novel podcast series called The Secret World Chronicle. The series depicts an ensemble cast of metahuman characters coping with worldwide attacks by a mysterious, technologically advanced Nazi secret society, and the ensuing chaos. The Secret World is a meeting ground for pulpy adventure and thoughtful science fiction speculation, where ordinary people are elevated above their fellow humans and must grapple with the consequences of their newfound abilities.
The Secret World Chronicle
Fresh Air from WHYY, the Peabody Award-winning weekday magazine of contemporary arts and issues, is one of public radio's most popular programs. Hosted by Terry Gross, the show features intimate conversations with today's biggest luminaries.
NPR: Fresh Air Podcast
KQED's weekly reading series featuring writers and performers of all stripes reading the latest short fiction, non-fiction, theater and poetry. Visit to check out the complete archive.
KQED: The Writers' Block Podcast
An American conversation with global attitude -- on the arts, humanities, and global affairs. Hosted by Christopher Lydon in partnership with Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies, and updated several times weekly.
Open Source
Grammar Girl provides short, friendly tips to improve your writing. Whether English is your first language or your second language, these grammar, punctuation, style, and business tips will make you a better and more successful writer. Grammar Girl is a Quick and Dirty Tips podcast.
Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
The Magic of Eyri is a Fantasy-Comedy-Adventure podcast based on the novel of the same name by Daniel J. Hogan. It is best described as a blend of the fairy tale charm of The Wizard of Oz and the wacky humor of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Suitable for Young Adults (age 13) and older.
The story is about a boy named Steve who is transported to the wacky fantasy world of Eyri with his Uncle Shameless. Once in Eyri (pronounced AIR-EE), Steve finds out he is part of a prophecy to free the land from the rule of the wicked Hawk King.
The Magic of Eyri: Podcast and Novel
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