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YLE is a public-broadcasting organization which shares many of its characteristics with its British counterpart, the BBC, on which it was largely modelled. It employs around 3,200 people in Finland.
New Yorker: Fiction
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A monthly reading and conversation with the New Yorker fiction editor Deborah Treisman.
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KQED's weekly reading series featuring writers and performers of all stripes reading the latest short fiction, non-fiction, theater and poetry. Visit to check out the complete archive.
KQED: The Writers' Block Podcast
A podcast of public-domain audio books for kids, read by Kara Shallenberg.
New chapters will appear on Mondays. We've finished The Road to Oz, A Little Princess, The Secret Garden, Heidi, Our Island Story, an anthology of poetry for children, a children's history of the Middle Ages, More William, This Country of Ours Part 1, Helen's Babies, and The Book of Art for Young People, and When Mother Lets Us Cook. Next we had The Adventures of Sally, by P. G. Wodehouse -- not actually a children's book, but it won't do the little ones any harm and should be fun for the tweens and teens. Now it's The Story of Mankind -- an excellent history book for kids, read as a duet with my friend Michelle Crandall. Enjoy! Send questions and comments to All of my recorded books can be found at
Kara's Free Audiobooks
Grammar Girl provides short, friendly tips to improve your writing. Whether English is your first language or your second language, these grammar, punctuation, style, and business tips will make you a better and more successful writer. Grammar Girl is a Quick and Dirty Tips podcast.
Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
Ideas and voices from across New York City, brought to you by
WNYC Culture » Lecture Podcast
Experience the extraordinary lives of Sara and Gerald Murphy and the couple’s influence on a remarkable constellation of creative individuals that flourished in Paris and the French Riviera in the 1920s and 1930s. Friends of Cole Porter, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Pablo Picasso, the Murphys strove to make something beautiful of their lives through “living well,” creating art, and encouraging their artistic friends. The result was some of the most noteworthy literature, music, theater, and art of the last century. Currently on display at the Dallas Museum of Art through September 14, 2008, the exhibition was organized by the Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, MA.
Dallas Museum of Art :: Making it New
In this podiobook: Lucy Maud Montgomery's classic children's novel, Anne of Green Gables tells the story of a red headed orphan girl with a personality you can't help but love. Despite her "tragical" past, Anne's optimism and imagination have helped her to always see the best in things. Anne's life changes considerably when she is accidentally adopted by the Cuthberts, a brother and sister who thought they were getting a boy to help out on the farm. The Cuthberts decide Anne will have to be sent back to the orphange but before they know it, she has begun to work her way into their hearts. (Summary by Annie Coleman)
Anne of Green Gables - A free audiobook by Lucy Maud Montgomery
J.C. Hutchins
New York Times best-selling novelist Scott Sigler gives away all of his stories as free, serialized audiobooks. Described as "Stephen King meets Michael Crichton meets Chuck Palahniuk," Scott's stories of hard-science horror will have you tapping a vein as you Jones for next week's fix.
Subscribe to hear major-release hardcover novels read by the author, as well as short fiction and a weekly dose of Scott's column for the AMC channel, called "Laughing in the Face of Death." For more info and more free audiobooks, visit
Scott Sigler Audiobooks
A Way with Words is a lively public radio show about words, language, and how we use them. Hundreds of thousands of language-lovers around the world tune in to hear author Martha Barnette and dictionary editor Grant Barrett take calls about slang, grammar, English usage, old sayings, word origins, regional dialects, family expressions, and speaking and writing well. The program is a fresh look at the pleasures and delights of language and linguistics, words and speech, writing and reading.
Join the conversation in the U.S. at 1-877-929-9673 (you can leave a message), in London at +44 20 7193 2113, in Mexico City at +52 55 8421 9771, via email at, on the web at, on Twitter at, and via Skype to the user name "wayword."
A Way with Words
Poetry podcasts of the great poems of the past. It's English literature for living - a few minutes of the day for quiet and reflection.
Classic Poetry Aloud - giving voice to the poetry of the past.
Request a reading by e-mail.
iTunes holds the most recent 100 readings.
To search through every reading since May 2007, visit the index:
Classic Poetry Aloud
Fresh Air from WHYY, the Peabody Award-winning weekday magazine of contemporary arts and issues, is one of public radio's most popular programs. Hosted by Terry Gross, the show features intimate conversations with today's biggest luminaries.
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A podcast about the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. Join us each week for news, theories, discussion, and thoughts Twilight series and movie.
Bloodsuckers: A Twilight Podcast
Build your vocabulary with Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day! Each day a Merriam-Webster editor offers insight into a fascinating new word -- explaining its meaning, current use, and little-known details about its origin.
Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
The Classic Tales Podcast delivers professional performances of unabridged classics. Enjoy classic short fiction from Poe, Dickens, Hardy, and others. Performed by character actor B.J. Harrison.
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The Monocle Weekly signs on with a mix of smart discussion, previews, field reports and feature interviews. From our studio in London and our bureaux in Tokyo and New York, Monocle's editors focus on the horizon and explore the looming stories within the five areas that define our editorial agenda: global affairs, business, culture, design and consumer culture. Sponsored by TOTO. For more information about Monocle’s print and online offerings please visit
The Monocle Weekly plate-forme sonore des arts visuels et sonores / The visual arts noise platform
"All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn." Ernest Hemingway. This audiobook is performed by Marc Devine and co-produced by and Each episode is has 2 to 4 chapters and is approximately 30-40 minutes in length. Text provided at Project Gutenberg ( This recording was made possible by the generous support of Gordon W. Draper. Also available via podcast from LiteralSystems and "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens, "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne and "Heart of Darkness" by Joesph Conrad.
"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" Audiobook (Audio book)
Graduate Student Monthly Podcast
Join Slate's critics for regular discussions of new and important books. Read the book club selections and then listen in as our critics hold lively -- and sometimes heated -- debates about the works.
(Note: Book club podcasts are also included in the regular Slate Daily Podcast feed.)
Slate's Audio Book Club
Slate Magazine
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NPR: Book Tour Podcast
Female business enthusiast Alex Tipton learns what it really takes to compete in this sex driven world. Betrayed by those she thought she could rely on, and left to stand on her own to remedy everything and everyone that has been screwed. Now she has to stay alive, doing anything it takes and using every means possible.
The Art of Sex and Bitchiness
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