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An Organic Conversation
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An Organic Conversation

Presented by inspirational speaker and author Helge Hellberg and Produce Expert Mark Mulcahy, An Organic Conversation is uplifting, smart, and intimate, discussing innovative solutions to today’s environmental and social challenges, healthy living, and sustainable choices. An Organic Conversation, the anchor show for Clear Channel’s The Green Morning created by Helge Hellberg, masterfully places current food and organic agriculture topics within the context of inter-connectedness and relationships, spirituality, beauty, and life.

The radio show features entrepreneurs, visionaries, and leaders in the organic food and holistic health movement who share their insights and stories, giving valuable information about key topics such as increasing the quality of school lunches for kids, buying local and seasonal produce, food justice, progressive approaches to global climate change, solutions for food waste, and fostering eco-literacy amongst the general public.

An Organic Conversation with Helge Hellberg and Mark Mulcahy – a weekly inspiration for anyone who eats.
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