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Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte
3 Paths to Happiness
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What does, and does NOT make you happy. Replay of presentation at Pennsylvania Psychological Association convention.
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From the psychology department at Algoma University in Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada, here's Dave Brodbeck. Courses PSYC 1106 - Introduction to Psychology 1, PSYC 3106 - Evolutionary Approaches to Behaviour, and STAT 2126 - Introduction to Statistics.
Dr. David Brodbeck's Psychology Lectures from Algoma University
Reasonable Doubts takes an informative and humorous look at religion from a freethinking perspective; offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, agnostics, humanists, courageous religious believers looking for a challenge and freethinkers of all persuasions. In addition to interviewing the top minds in skepticism (former guests include Christopher Hitchens, Susan Jacoby, Paul Kurtz, Edward Tabash, DJ Grothe) RD offers regular segments on counter-apologetics, biblical criticism, creationism intelligent design and church state issues. RD also examines the psychology of religion, reviewing recent and exciting research you won't hear about anywhere else. Tune in for a hard-hitting critique of religion balanced by plenty of humor, a fair-minded attitude and a commitment to critical thinking. Check out our website at for information, episode links or to email questions, comments and challenges. Reasonable Doubts...for those who won't just take things on faith.
Reasonable Doubts Podcast
Curated by the Nobel Museum in Stockholm, Sweden, the Exhibition's international tour visited UTS in April on the penultimate leg of its six year, fourteen city tour before heading to Abu Dhabi. The Exhibition was proudly sponsored by the Nobel Museum, Volvo and UTS. The Federal Department of Education, Science and Training also provided support for the School program.
In hosting 'Beautiful Minds', UTS expressed its commitment to creativity, innovation and peace. The exhibition included scholarly, public and educational programs involving staff and students from across the University as well as the general public.
The Exhibition presents Alfred Nobel the idealist, inventor, entrepreneur, and cosmopolitan, along with the international perspective that distinguished his life and will.
Beautiful Minds: UTS Nobel Exhibition
Die Deutsche Welle hat seit ihrem Bestehen (1953) immer wieder über die wichtigsten Meilensteine in der Historie Deutschlands entweder direkt berichtet oder an sie erinnert. Interviews, Statements, Studiodiskussionen oder auch Features zu aktuellen Themen - oder zu deren Jahrestagen - waren ständig Bestandteil des Programms. Die Reihe beginnt mit einem Feature über die Währungsreform im Jahr 1948, in dem Zeitzeugen die Atmosphäre der damaligen Zeit schildern. Die Berufung Bonns zur Bundeshauptstadt, die Schaffung des Bundesgerichtshofes, das deutsch-israelische Wiedergutmachungsabkommen, der Volksaufstand 17. Juni 1953 in der DDR, der Mauerbau oder auch die Ratifizierung der Ostverträge durch den Deutschen Bundestag – dies sind nur einige Beispiele der Themen, die in dieser Podcastreihe behandelt werden, wo auch zahlreiche Personen der deutschen Geschichte zu Wort kommen.
Zeitreise: Meilensteine | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Alan Watts is one of the most widely read philosophers of the 20th century. In addition to his 28 books, Alan Watts delivered hundreds of public lectures and seminars the recordings of which have been preserved in the archives of the Electronic University, a non-profit organization dedicated to higher education. For the past two years Alan's eldest son, Mark Watts has reviewed and cataloged these talks to prepare them for public broadcast. The Electronic University is now pleased to present the highlights of the spoken works of Alan Watts.
Alan Watts Podcast
The Building Performance Podcast is a bi-monthly series drawing on the experience and ideas of a wide array of professionals in the high performance building industry. The show includes interviews as well as overviews of new trends, techniques, tools, and training strategies.
The intersection of advances in building technologies, the energy crisis, green building trends, and the environmental crisis has made it hard to pursue business-as-usual. The general climate is forcing those of us in the building industry to take a more integrated, systematic approach to building.
We talk with engineers, policy makers, program managers, contractors, diagnosticians, ESCOs, architects, utilities, and building managers, among others. Hosted by Corbett Lunsford, technical director of Green Dream Group, LLC in Chicago, and executive director of the Illinois Association of Energy Raters.
Building Performance Podcast
Science, philosophy, psychology, quantum physics, religion. In all these areas, we see the world based on what comes from others. Which means we're actually thinking with somebody else's head - not necessarily our own. And how much of those philosophies, ideas and theories are true? Thanks to the work of Brazilian/Austrian psychoanalyst and social scientist, Dr. Norberto Keppe, separating the wheat from the chaff is a lot easier today. We'll explore this rich and provocative territory in this podcast. Email me about your thoughts at
Thinking With Somebody Else's Head
MP3 version of Rapport: The Informal Ethnographer Podcast, an informal podcast about ethnography and ethnographic disciplines.
Rapport: The Informal Ethnographer Podcast » MP3
Australian produced television series, Haunted Australia. Join the cast and crew as they report behind the scenes to give you an insight into the show, its cast, crew and locations.
We will be hosting discussions about the show and the paranormal field with co-hosts, viewers and international peers.
Lollards in the high church of low culture
FreakyTrigger » Lollards Podcast
The only podcast for single women who proactively choose motherhood. Hosted by: Mikki Morrissette
Choice Chat for Choice Moms
In a world where gut feelings are given more authority than facts, where the average person is permitted to drive 2 tons of steel death, and ‘God did it’ is an acceptable answer to why something happened, your life may just depend on listening to this podcast.
The LogicallyCritical podcast is intended to encourage critical thinking in everyday situations without the hassle of checking facts at the library. Rather than quote historical research or bore you with statistics about how many dentists suggest what cigarette to their patients, this will use information that we can all reasonably agree on, and will show by example how to more-fully explore any given issue be it traffic, religion, or how to lure a weasel into a cardboard box.
The podcast is no longer being actively produced (10/28/07), but the episodes are still available.
A series of podcasts that explains Jung's Psychology, starting with an overview of the psyche.
jungian's Podcast
Messages relavant to real life, helping real people with real problems with the only real solution - a personal, relationship with real love - with Jesus. Contemporary
Dr. Howard Gurr is a licensed psychologist who provides psychological information when YOU are ready to hear it.
The Shrink Is In- The Podcast Voice of Psychology
Global development experts share their ideas on how wealthy countries can promote prosperity in developing countries.
Global Prosperity Wonkcast
An opening infected with crime and horror, mental illness real and imagined, diseases of the mind and culture, gender delinquents, mad doctors and madder patients. It's not going to be OK.
Head Wound
Attitudes of sexual integrity! With host Russ Shaw! 21st century strategies fused with spiritual truth to help you get up and fight! How do we find deliverance and victory if we have tried and failed so many times? Russ shows you some realistic steps toward application and strategy. Step 1. First Get up. Then walk then fight! When you feel Beat up, bloody and up against the ropes? Step 2. The ASI podcast will be there to assist you with hope, motivation, truth and strength from some one who has been there to help you repeat step 1. This show is produced from a Christian perspective but don't let that scare you. If you have a problem with Christians I don't blame you. Experience the freedom of sexual self control.
Attitudes of sexual integrity! Dedicated to sex addiction recovery.
Stellten Sie sich früher, als Sie an ein Studium dachten, auch eine Zeitspanne ihres Lebens vor, die etwas mit Bibliotheken und Büchern zu tun haben würde?
- zunächst für VWL-Studenten der Uni Köln gedachte "Vor-Lesungen", die die Vorlesung "Ordnungspolitik" im Sommersemester 2007 besuchen.
O-Pods - Podcasts zur Ordnungspolitik
An informal podcast about ethnography and ethnographic disciplines.
Rapport: The Informal Ethnographer Podcast
Welcome to OrthoAnalytika, the podcast of Fr. Anthony Perkins and St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Woonsocket, RI. This is where Fr. Anthony shares the Good News of Salvation through Christ and His Church by posting homilies, analysis, and interviews. He has a diverse background, a big smile, and lots of enthusiasm. See and for more information and content.
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