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ESPN is an American cable television network focusing on sports-related programming—including live and pre-taped event telecasts, sports talk shows, and other original programming.
Founded by Bill Rasmussen,[1] his son Scott Rasmussen and Aetna insurance agent Ed Eagan, it launched on September 7, 1979, under the direction of Chet Simmons, the network's President and CEO (and later the United States Football League's first commissioner). The Getty Oil Company provided funding to begin the new venture via executive Stuart Evey.
NPR (National Public Radio) is an internationally acclaimed producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment programming. A privately supported, not-for-profit membership organization, NPR serves a growing audience of 27.5 million Americans each week in partnership with more than 860 independently operated, noncommercial public radio stations.
Quick and Dirty Tips creates and distributes digital content that offers short, actionable advice from friendly and informed authorities that will help you succeed at work and in life.
Fuel TV is a U.S. cable and satellite specialty channel that launched on July 1, 2003.[1] It focuses on the cultures of such extreme sports as skateboarding, snowboarding, motocross, surfing, BMX and FMX. It is a unit of Fox Cable Networks and is currently available to 26-million American households. Additionally, Fox Sports Australia operates Fuel TV in Australia and a Portuguese speaking channel also operates in Portugal and some Fuel TV content previously aired on FX channels in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. Fuel TV content available to another 100+ countries around the world.[1]
Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
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Self Help Books, Audio, and Online Courses for personal growth and self improvement – Personal Life Media
American Public Media, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, is the largest owner and operator of public radio stations and a premier producer and distributor of public radio programming in the nation. It is also the largest producer and distributor of classical music programming in the United States.
American Public Media
Home | American Public Media
Podcasting, RSS Feed, XML Feed. Visit Business Week for up-to-date podcasts, news feeds and online news. Podcasts use an RSS feed (which stands for Really Simple Syndication) to deliver updated information in an xml feed.
Online News Feeds : RSS Feeds, XML Feeds
WNYC 93.9 FM and AM 820 are New York's flagship public radio stations, broadcasting the finest programs from National Public Radio and Public Radio International, as well as a wide range of award-winning local programming.
Public Radio International/WNYC
Home Box Office, a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P. (TWE), provides two 24-hour premium TV services, HBO and Cinemax, to subscribers across the United States via cable, C-band satellite, direct broadcast satellite (DBS) and microwave (MMDS). HBO is also available to guests in hotels and motels across the country.
Nickelodeon, often simply called Nick and originally named Pinwheel, is an American cable channel owned by MTV Networks, a subsidiary of Viacom International. The channel is primarily aimed at children ages 7–17, with the exception of their weekday morning program block aimed at preschoolers ages 2–6. Since 2006, Nickelodeon has been run by MTVN Kids & Family Group President Cyma Zarghami. It is ranked as the #1 cable channel as of 2011,[1] and had been promoted as "The First Kids' Network," as it was the first American television network aimed at children since the Pinwheel days.
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Dan Klyn is writing a book about how architecture is probably a better frame for doing the early-stage strategy and design work on websites than some of the other frames (library science, HCI etc). This podcast includes interviews with architects on these and other topics.
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Dieser Podcast richtet sich an Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klassen 7 bis 13. In regelmäßigen Abständen kann man sich einen Audio- und Videopodcast herunterladen und anhören, bzw. ansehen. Im Podcast wird eine mathematische Startidee präsentiert, die zu eigenem Arbeiten anregen kann. Außerdem gibt es auf der Homepage zu jeder Podcast-Folge ein Arbeitsblatt, das die Startidee noch einmal aufgreift. In einem Forum besteht schließlich für die Schülerinnen und Schüler die Möglichkeit, sich über Fragen und eigene Ideen auszutauschen.
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On these video pages, the emphasis is on dynamic visual possibilities in active language systems --possibilities that arise from interactions and associations between sights, sounds, and textures, on multiple scales in multiple locations. These visual experiments in poetry are Video POAMS (products of acts of making) that explore what happens when the visual is allowed to extend beyond visible text, and when the page is not required to be paper (though it may still exist that way). The Limited Fork Video Anthology features examples of some of the forms of poetry that Limited Fork Poetics enables and encourages. Look for video poams from student and other practitioners (forkers) of Limited Fork Poetics in this frequently updated podcast. Visit the Limited Fork podcast to learn more about Limited Fork Poetics and to see video poams by the mother of Limited Fork Poetics. And for the the sounds of Limited Fork, visit the Limited Fork Music podcast. Many of the soundtracks from the Video Poams are available at the Limited Fork Music podcast.
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Changing Face of Letterpress:
Professor Phil Baines and Dr Catherine Dixon are freelance designers, writers and both teach typography on the BA (Hons) Graphic Design at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design.
Phil Baines & Catherine Dixon
The Limited Fork show featuring POAMs: Products of Acts of Making in fulfillment of principles of Limited Fork Poetics: the study of interacting language systems, where the visual, sonic, tactile, and olfactory meet to form and reform (compelling) structures. Where focus on an intensely stabilizing area can still produce (forms of) sonnets that will maintain a particular form for only a limited period of time after which other structure(s) emerge, some of the emergence occurring across physical, sensory, and other dimensions.
This podcast is the place where POAMS, products of acts of making, will evolve, for the idea (as well as the poams that come out of the idea) is dynamic, seeking ways to fulfill the need for expression that coincides with unfolding understandings of existence. At the end of one of the branching roots of LFP and at the tip of one of the branches is belief in the pleasure of making things, a pleasure increased by acts of making that understand and try to take advantage of the range of what is possible and available.
The LFP experiment will showcase successes and failures, for the dead ends, the branches that do not bear sweet fruit, edible fruit, or any fruit at all, nevertheless contribute meaningfully to the recognizable structure of the tree. Perhaps the beauty of the tree depends on the presence of some dead ends.
Every week, there will be a visual or sonic episode (a branch) that reflects the current status of the ongoing study of interacting language systems. The LFP show will always present what is within its changing limits. Not (just) poems, but POAMS.
To hear more music of Limited Fork, visit the Limited Fork Music podcast. For more Limited Fork movies, visit the Limited Fork Video Anthology to download the video work of student and other practitioners of what Limited Fork Poetics enables and encourages.
Limited Fork
These podcasts contain examples of work from students on the graphic design BA course at Central Saint Martins. They show what it is like to be a student here at the University of the Arts in London. You can see samples of work made by students as they explore the wide subject of graphic design. We collaborate with the design community here in London and there is a record here of a project we did with the Design Museum.
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This channel provides information about SCC's hydraulic and pneumatic automation technology program.
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Automation Technology Program - Spokane Community College
A video podcast that show how to solve algebra, trigonometry and other skills needed to enroll in Calculus
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Leading global consultant, business author, and former Harvard Business School professor David Maister presents a videocast of highlights from his speaking engagements covering his four main topic areas: Strategy, Management, Client Relations, and Careers.
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Chicago Multimedia Works brings you videos created by the University of Chicago Press. Interviews with authors and special features for the books we publish.
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The LANDSPLOITATION Podcast hosts experimental video and audio documenting the social experience of the human landscape, including but not limited to the spaces of the built environment, vernacular architecture, proxemics, human interaction, and political boundaries. Submissions from independent scholars, photographers, and filmmakers are welcome. To submit, please insure that sound or video is hosted on a public server (such as and email the link together with a brief description of your piece to landscapestudies (at) gmail (dot) com.
2007年4月24日~5月6日に井の頭動物園にて開催される「Being - いきていること展」。otonoha(子ども達が制作した動物の音声ガイド)、HeartBeat(動物たちの鼓動の音)、animalEye(動物の視点の映像)の3種類のコンテンツを楽しむことができます。これらのコンテンツをiPodに入れて、いきてること展に参加しましょう。
Being - いきていること展
The Apple Education Profiles series includes compelling stories about leaders,educators, researchers, and IT professionals using Apple technology to advance teaching and learning in schools, colleges, and universities.
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