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Hope Providers | Blog Talk Radio Feed
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Hope Providers | Blog Talk Radio Feed
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Ever use a candle to light another? The first loses no strength by lighting the second. The light just expands. 'Expanding the Light" is our mission and we do that by coaching, training and role modeling those skills and habits that result in abundant living. All of our programs are for the delivery of goods and services that enhance the quality of people's lives. We provide HOPE in even the darkest places.
"Connected to the Source" is an hour in which Carol Hope
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addresses questions raised by listeners or students of Hope Providers on the subject of relationships. These may be questions on romantic relationships as well as other relationships. Carol Hope and her husband Michael have been in love and married for 14 years. They have enjoyed a blissful relationship because they have discovered secrets about keeping the relationship fresh and passionate. Some of these secrets are about activities and habits that are not only helpful in romantic relationships, but also in getting along on the job, dealing with children and relating to others in a positive, effective way. Understanding God's will for our lives underpins some of the solutions that Carol shares, but many other practical ideas are discussed as well.
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As an author, life is always the subject matter of all discussions. So here we'll discuss life in terms of love, trust, family, problems and solving them, poetry(my heart) and whatever othr issues are prevelent in today's society. This is a show of substance and meaning. Join in and share your thoughts.
Author Tammy D. Thompson | Blog Talk Radio Feed
3 sexi mofos discussing HOTT and Interesting topics that affects your world.
3SEXIMOFO RADIO | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Real Talk With Tanya White a lifestyle, relationship and news entertainment show, is brought to you by, features various guests that include, celebrities, artists, authors, small business owners, public speakers, consultants, media personality and other influential guests who will address REAL TALK about REAL ISSUES to enhance your REAL LIFE.
Tanya White and her electrifying guests as they inspire, ignite and influence you to quickly change your “No I Can’t” attitudes into “Yes I Can” actions.
Tune in every Monday night at 7:00 P.M. Listener call-in number (347) 215-6446. All thoughts & opinions are welcomed and will be respected.
Real Talk With Tanya White | Blog Talk Radio Feed
The Karter Administration is more than a radio show. It is a socially conscious outlet that serves as a medium to discuss pertinent social issues and concerns of young adults.
Born out of the ingenuity and passion of Creator/Producer, Ahmad Thames, this talk radio show charges its listeners to change the world though dialogue. Thames, an advocate of civic justice, utilizes the show to fight social, political, and economic inequities in an unprecedented manner. With more than two generations passed since the mark of the Civil Rights Movement, The Karter Administration stands as a portal toward change. The show celebrates the complexities of today’s young adult.
Shows are produced weekly live on Airing starts promptly at 11:00 p.m. each Sunday night. Each week yields a new topic and new opinions. Guest hosts appear each week to contribute advice and expert opinions. Topics vary on a wide range of lifestyle issues facing young adults including careers, politics, health, and relationships. The Karter Administration is a utility for the voices of many to become one. Make your voice heard and tune in. “…Hear the Unheard” and change the world one show at time.
The Karter Admin | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Welcome to Europes Secret to Success with Natasha Abudarham, LIVE FROM BELGIUM. Natasha will be interviewing the Experts, the Gurus, the Mentors, the Coaches and the Geniuses, picking their brains to find out what makes an all rounded successful person and what you can do to follow in their footsteps, so you can achieve and maintain Ultimate success in all you do.
Natasha will also share her learnings that literally catapulted her life from faliure to success and led her to develop her own programme ‘Success Orienteering, helping you to become the person you know you are’.
All of this and much more at times to suit my European Neighbours!
LOA Radio Network Chat Room
Europe's Secret to Success | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Live life with a Touch of Style! Join host Robin Walker, Style Coach and Chief Image Officer to some of the nation's leading men, for an entertaining, often humorous, perspective on Image, Fashion, Style and Life in general, every Monday at 2pm CST. Visit Robin at
Tailored Edges™ with Robin Walker | Blog Talk Radio Feed
IN TIME will evolve your thinking, embrace your newness, and equip you for purpose! OUR SHOW TIME EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 9PM [EST]. Please add us as a reminder or a favorite to check us out.
Sistah Peaches | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Onyx View: Get clarity on the issues that are most important to you and your family. Onyx View tackles social and political topics that are nearest to the hearts of our listeners. Authentic and unapolgetic, host Kamryn Adams promises to entertain, enlighten, and amuse you each week.
Onyx View will return in PRIME TIME in January 2010. Set your reminders.
Onyx View with Kamryn Adams | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Imagine how different things would be if aging was no longer an issue in the lives of women and men at any age. What would life be like if women and men were free to be who they were born to be if age was a non-issue. M. Cecile Forté, Ph.D., explores issues of age and aging in our youth driven society. Like most Baby Boomers, Cecile’s not “…going gently into that good night!” An author, researcher and national motivational speaker, Cecile uses her expertise in this arena which provided the basis for her one woman show, “Who you calling old?!”
"Who you calling old?!" | Blog Talk Radio Feed
"HELLO WORLD"! How is life on this Big Blue Marble that we call home? Good For You!! I am Moreno L. Jackson. I am also known as "THE MOTIVATOR"! Over 225 LIVE Popular Shows?Must be the Shoes"!We are Proud to announce that as of 9/17/2010 we have surpassed, on BTR, over 100,000 listens!Thank you so much!! I am a Nationally known,Author, MotivationalSpeaker,MC,Director,Blogger, Writer and, of course a BlogTalkRadio Radio Host!!As a published Author I have a book in stores and Online, it is called: Be Well!! Be Safe !! Be U!! Bring The Noise!! My MySpace Blogs Volume I!It is available to order with Amazon.Com as well as Barnes& Noble.Com.You can also order directly from this site.It is $12.95 well invested in U!!Our book is a result of a popular weekly Blog that I post on MySpace. A Blog I am proud to say has readership in the Thousands! I respect my peers Zig Ziglar, Les Brown and Tony Robbins.But: I AM NOT YOUR FATHER'S MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER!Two constants in Life. Change and Change!Change is Good! Different is Good! My Goal is to Motivate and to Entertain you! I also want to provide Tips and Power Thinker Stragies to keeping your days on a High! That is a Win Win! Each day we have two choices! One be up and positive! Two be down and lonely!I will make sure that you are Uplifted, Smiling and Motivated!You may even dance! We all have to work and preparing ourselves mentally will lead to Success in all areas of our lives! In my Live program you are going to be Motivated and Entertained! I bring my DJ and present my programs with a Chris Rock,Linkin Park,Jay Z Swagger! High Energy!! We have too have it! Life is Good!! To help others is Good! It truly will help us!! Allow yourself to be humbled! Love yourself! You are unique! You are loved! You have meaning!Good For You! Please do this now.Stand Up!! Say to yourself.I LOVE ME SOME ME!I AM UNIQUE!I AM A GOOD PERSON!Now give yourself 5 pats on the back! I'll bet you smiled!
THE MOTIVATOR! Motivational Speaker and PublishedAuthor | Blog Talk Radio Feed
I will be talking about ways to help nurture your body, mind and spirit. We will be discussing finding our purpose and our passions in life. We will also talk about what has helped you find your purpose in life. We can give each other support and ideas and help each other on our journey .
Nurturing Your Body, Mind And Spirit | Blog Talk Radio Feed
I have a wide variety of interest. Art, music, dance and some politics. The concept of the show itself is a personal journal. Striving to just
"BE". It is my hope that I can help others and give a forum to be yourself. I try to bring some laughter to those who may be feeling down. I also have interviews with the Musicians, Indie Artist, Actors, Comedians, Writers and other Interesting People. On good nights I like to relax enjoy company of listeners, chatters and callers. I may vent, tell stories or may be just plain moody. I play some music from unsigned Indie Artist. You can call in if you need to talk...maybe I or someone listening will be able to help.
Rules!- I will not babysit the chat. No UFOs, No Politics, No Bigfoot, No Ghost, NO LIMA BEANS!, No WORMS, !!!!!, No BTR chat drama unless its my own.. because I got it like that..LOL enter at own risk...
DesertRose | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Conversations With Linda is an intimate lifestyle show featuring stellar guests delving into all aspects of life ranging from spirituality and politics to art, music, food, and culture. It will also provide opportunities for listeners to enrich the lives of others.
"I hope listeners find themselves feeling right at home with those interviewed ranging from clergy and politicians to artists and authors.
The best interviews really aren’t interviews at all, but opportunities for those reading my work to feel privy to just wonderful conversations that will resonate in their lives. I hope this show serves as a different vehicle with the same goal," she said.
Don’t expect to find the same topic or genre every week. The selection will be as eclectic as its host, a show that is a potpourri representing all aspects of life featuring experts from every field.
By the end of each show, hopefully, you will leave with something thought-provoking, informational, inspirational, and joyful.
Conversations With Linda | Blog Talk Radio Feed
LOVE PRODUCTIONS, INC. | Blog Talk Radio Feed
My insight comes from living, watching and analyzing life situations. I am open to your ideas and respect your opinions. I don't see life through rose colored contacts but, I see it as it is; challenging yet worth living. Some of the experiences I have had may have killed others but, I keep on pushing cause, I have hope! Let's talk about everything to gain more ground on where we are supposed to be...
Sandi AKA Howelegant | Blog Talk Radio Feed
The Susan Powter Radio Show
The Susan Powter Radio Show | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Do you crave candid conversation? Look no further. The "Let's Talk About It" Show is the place to tune into if you're in need of
advice, laughs, the truth, and the real. Low-Key and his friends have landed, and they are poised to take talk to the next level in the form of "The LTAI Show".
If you want to hear us on the web, you will have to create an account at and log on (weekly) to do so. Once you log on, go to Settings (blue text at right upper-corner of the screen>>then scroll down to>>My Settings and disable safe search (one time only). If you don't do this, when you locate our page you will see only basic information and text saying "No Shows Scheduled." Follow the instructions provided and you will not only be able to hear us online, but you'll also have access to our past show archives. We are classified as an "Adult Only" show, so to keep kids from hearing grown folk talk, the log on/disable safe search action is necessary. We look forward to your
continued support. Thanks - LaMont aka Low-Key.
The "Let's Talk About It" Show with Low-Key & Friends | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Join host Bennie S. Covington on the Bensanity Hour as he discusses topics nationwide and topics that relate to Metro Detroit. Focusing on the type of conversation that would appeal to the Urban intellectual- The bensanity hour is a fresh, young, and entertaining talk show full of indepth social conversation and fun positive humor.
Bennie Covington | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Take the time to explore various traditional and unique topics online with Andrea. This program is hosted by Andrea Garrison, the Author and Producer of the highly acclaimed, The Crossing Over of Mattie Pearl (the Book, the CD and the DVD) currently available on and Andrea is also the creator of Andrea's Greetings. Online with Andrea will feature a variety of guests and topics. It is a global online journey that will provide news, information and cover many issues from health, fitness, body, mind, heart, soul, spirit, the spoken word, the written word, art, music, dance, sports, theater, film, the environment, the planet earth, and beyond. This is a thoughtful uplifting program that focuses on life,on opening hearts, lifting spirits, raising consciousness and creating a greater understanding of the whole universe. There are so many things to explore. Let's stay connected! Ask questions and let's discover the answers together in this heart to heart Global journey online with Andrea.
onlinewithandrea | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Welcome to Regina's Universe: Live & Uncensored!
This is the place where taboo topics, controversial issues, and all personalities come for their 2 hours of fame... every single Monday night @ 10pm ET... for nearly THREE YEARS!
Thank you to all the listener's who have continued to support this show and for making Regina's Universe: Live & Uncensored the place to be on Monday Nights!!
Can't make it here every week? Get the show on iTunes or subscribe to the RSS Reader! We welcome iTunes listeners to tune in live EVERY Monday night @ 10pm ET!
Regina's Universe - Live & Uncensored | Blog Talk Radio Feed
"The bridge shortens for our youth, as the gap widens for the next generation.Who sees past Tomorrow"?
one of many men....
one of many men | Blog Talk Radio Feed
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