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Studio Radio-Cartable
\ Radio-Cartable : actualités et débats
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Videos of the Marching Band - Go Cavaliers!
CCHS Band Podcast
Villas Italy specialises in authentic, well-located and affordable rental villas in Italy. We have villas and estates throughout popular areas of rural Italy. Our range of villas are well-appointed and suitable for couples, families and small groups. Accommodation ranges from elegant hotel rooms to cosy studios, or 4 bedroom to complete 10 bedroom/bathroom villas .
Villas Italy
We are in summer school, for summer school related projects... we're genious' we don't bite.
Reading Rockets' interviews with top children's book authors and illustrators are an excellent way to introduce students to those who create books kids know and love. Not just for children, these interviews are also enjoyed by parents, teachers, librarians, and other educators who appreciate the value of children's literature and get a kick out of putting a face and voice to the authors and illustrators whose work we enjoy. These interviews are available from in audio and video formats. To see a transcript from these interviews, to find out more about each author, or to watch the full interview, see Reading Rockets' Books & Authors section.
Meet the Author (Reading Rockets) provides video and photography of Southwest Washington. Events include the Southwest Washington Symphony, School Activities including Lower Columbia College, specials events, and other activities of the area. Most features are full length and recorded in High Definition using professional video equipment and then encoded to highest standards available. On special request, other formats will be made available.
Listen to reviews of the latest kids tv shows, kids movies, kids books, websites and video games straight from the mouth of a kid. This show was created by a nine year old boy. He writes and performs it weekly.
Kid Power Radio
Scared Stiff Horror Cinema Defining the Horror genre, exploring typical tropes and motifs, such as the haunted house, monsters, zombies and serial killers. Also looking at the principles and logic behind the horror film – some sort of transgression (knowing something not supposed to know) leading to terrible consequences. Questioning why we watch horror films – cathartic enactment and overcoming of society’s worst nightmares. Thus the sociological interest in horror films – and how they portray society’s fears, varying according to the age.
Scared Stiff Horror Cinema
ETHSRC Podcast. Look for podcasts from ETHSRC.
Each week you'll get step-by-step video guides of popular FamilyFun crafts and recipes for every holiday and season. Whether you're creating a cute craft, looking for a great homemade gift, or cooking up a terrific treat for the kids, we'll show you how to get the job done in three minutes or less.
FamilyFun TV - VIDEO
The Thrillseekers provide VIP access to Southern California's life and culture from a SoCal perspective....
Through entertaining and informative segments, the Thrillseekers deliver a refreshing outlook that will renew your passion for So Cal. Join us as we track down and pass along to you all the hidden treasures the Golden State has to offer.
SoCal ThrillSeekers
These 2 teen girls are hillarious as they give advice on dance moves, fashion and even horoscopes. Learn to sing, draw, shop, cook and get in trouble. Funny and educational! Visit us at
Got Ya Back
Teaching reading is a hugely complicated task. So much so that researcher Louisa Moats ended up entitling her influential article "Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science." Watch and learn as Reading Rockets goes inside the classroom and captures effective techniques for teaching all aspects of Reading 101. The video clips are from Reading Rockets' PBS television series Launching Young Readers.
Launching Young Readers is designed for teachers, parents, caregivers, and anyone else interested in helping children learn to read. The programs feature the country's top reading experts, look at different reading strategies, provide practical advice for parents, and interweave the personal stories of children, families, and teachers.
The following podcasts are available on For more information visit Reading Rockets' Reading 101 section, where you'll find related videos, articles, and techniques for teaching reading effectively!
Watch & Learn (Reading Rockets)
Households across the UK could be making up to a whopping £38 billion a year, just by storing excess clutter to rent out a room. That equates to over £3 billion a month based on average rental incomes across the UK. It could mean an extra personal income of as much as £320 a month or £3,840 a year per household! It's time to get the junk out of the spare room to make some money, according to findings from self storage experts Big Yellow Self Storage.
More than a third (36%) of us that have a whole room in our home filled with junk and the storage company found that nearly one in three (31%) would definitely rent out a room to make money and beat the credit crunch. With recent figures showing that the rental market is continuing to flourish, it looks like some people have already cottoned onto this lucrative scheme.
Michael Holmes, one of the UK‚s leading property experts and presenter from BBC1's Trading Up, ITV's Don‚t Move Improve, UKTV Style's decluttering programme Scrubbers and the soon to air I Own Britain's Best Home, commented, the survey showed some really interesting findings and there are many more options for those looking for cash savings from storage:
In this video Michael delves a bit deeper into the survey.
Go to to find out how you can benefit from self storage.
'Don‚t Move, Improve' star Michael Holmes shows how to make your spare rooms pay!
Early TV Matinee presents vintage and classic television programs from the 1950, the Comedy,Drama,Westerns,Scifi,Cartoons,and More.
Early TV Matinee
Brian Drake creates a time lapse movie documenting the painting process of one of his large format works.
Serenity On An Open Plane
High Definition videos for your computer and HDTV--now including iPod and iPhone versions as well!
Showcasing some of the best high definition underwater short films being produced today from all over the world. Featuring beautiful images of the underwater world, marine life large and small, interviews with interesting people, and updates on underwater imaging. Produced in association with For iPod and iPhone compatible versions of past episodes, please download the HD video and convert the selection in your iTunes.
DiveFilm HD Video (HD)
Radio-Cartable : OuKiKoi ???
Radio-Cartable : OuKiKoi ???
Radio-Cartable 64, avenue Maurice Thorez 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine FRANCE tél. 33 (0) 1 45 21 46 75 mél.
Radio-Cartable : reportage dans mon cartable
Radio-Cartable : reportage dans mon cartable
Radio-Cartable 64, avenue Maurice Thorez 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine FRANCE tél. 33 (0) 1 45 21 46 75 mél.
Radio-Cartable : journal de la création
Radio-Cartable : journal de la création
Radio-Cartable 64, avenue Maurice Thorez 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine FRANCE tél. 33 (0) 1 45 21 46 75 mél.
Radio-Cartable : actualités et débats
Radio-Cartable : actualités et débats
Radio-Cartable 64, avenue Maurice Thorez 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine FRANCE tél. 33 (0) 1 45 21 46 75 mél.
Quoi de neuf Docteur ? Hygiène de vie (1)
Radio-Cartable : actualités et débats
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64, avenue Maurice Thorez
94200 Ivry-sur-Seine
tél. 33 (0) 1 45 21 46 75
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Programme du 23 mars 2006
Le médecin scolaire, Claire Charton, est venu rencontrer les élèves de Grande Section de l’école maternelle Henri Barbusse : elle a répondu à toutes leurs questions sur la propreté, le sommeil et l’alimentation.
Une mise au point indispensable pour tous ces enfants de 5 ans !
Quoi de neuf Docteur ? Hygiène de vie (1)
Programme du 2 février 2006
Des élèves de CM2 B de l’école Thorez A sont partis interroger des passants dans leur quartier du Petit Ivry. Tous ont dû répondre à la question suivante : Pour vous, quel est le rôle principal de l’école ?
Micro Couloir (2/02/2006)
Programme du 26 janvier 2006
Les CM1 B de l’école Henri Barbusse A vous proposent leur sélection des actualités locales et internationales de la semaine.
Actualités d’ici et d’ailleurs (26/01/2006)
Programme du 19 janvier 2006
Les CM1 B de l’école Henri Barbusse A vous proposent leur sélection des actualités locales et internationales de la semaine.
De l’info vue avec des yeux et des oreilles d’enfant !
Actualités d’ici et d’ailleurs (19/01/2006)
Programme du 12 janvier 2006
Les CM1 A de l’école Henri Barbusse A vous proposent leur sélection des actualités locales
et internationales de la semaine.
De l’info vue avec des yeux et des oreilles d’enfant !
Actualités d’ici et d’ailleurs (12/01/2006)
Programme du 20 octobre 2005
Les CE2 de l’école Maurice Thorez A ont décidé de poser toutes leurs questions au médecin scolaire, Claire Charton.
De quoi rééquilibrer vos repas et retrouver la forme... sans les formes !
Une nouvelle émission médicale destinée à tous et sans ordonnance !
Quoi de neuf Docteur ? L’alimentation en questions (2)
Programme du 13 octobre 2005
Les CE2 de l’école Maurice Thorez A ont décidé de poser toutes leurs questions au médecin scolaire, Claire Charton.
De quoi rééquilibrer vos repas et retrouver la forme... sans les formes !
Deuxième rendez-vous pour cette nouvelle émission médicale destinée à tous et sans ordonnance !
Quoi de neuf Docteur ? L’alimentation en questions (1)
Programme du 20 décembre 2007
Les CM1 B de l’école Solomon vous proposent leur sélection d’actualités locales, nationales, internationales, sportives et culturelles.
L’actualité de la semaine sélectionnée et présentée par des enfants !
Actualités d'ici et d'ailleurs (20/12/07)
Total 40
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