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Radio National's agenda-setting current affairs radio documentary program.
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Featured in Australia
A selection of rich earthy roots and blues music presented by SA Roots and Blues. Each month BLUES TIME hits cyberspace with its discerning play list of acoustic and electric blues. Once a month THE ROOTS AND BLUES HOUR brings you a mature selection from the genres of roots, alt. country, progressive folk and alt. rock. Podcasting since 2005. Produced by David Stoeckel. Recorded in the new Bowen Studios located in beautiful suburban Adelaide South Australia.
Podcasts from South Australian Roots and Blues
Putting a psychedelic spin on the world as we (think we) know it.
Dictionary Psychedelica Podcast
Radio National's agenda-setting current affairs radio documentary program.
Background Briefing
Interested in current affairs, health issues, music, politics or culture? Get triple j's current affairs hub HACK. You get the daily HACK RADIO program hosted by Kate O'Toole and starting on Feb 9 2009 Antoinette Chiha brings you HACK TV reports. Hit the subscribe button and you can get it all sent to you automatically. Hack. Shoving the 'j' into journalism
triple j: Hack
A series of Podcasting related to Alchemy.
metulz hardzcore punkrawk ska we gawt it all folksz
podMail me at if you want to get your song on the show, or just give us a comment!
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Dale Gillham is one of Australia's most respected authorised financial analysts, with more than 20 years' experience in the financial services industry. Through his company Wealth Within and his book 'How to beat the Managed Funds by 20%' Dale has helped thousands of Australians realise their financial goals
Upfront Investor Education
A podcast published every two months and designed to publicise the latest play in production at the Eltham Little Theatre in Melbourne, Australia.
ELTcast : Eltham Little Theatre Podcast
Light hearted look at the latest technology news from Australia and beyond. Join Glenn and guests as they discuss the tech issues of today that matter to the average Aussie consumer.
Aussie Tech Head
Worldwide podcast home of Harvey Plankers & Phillip Moreso; hosts of unbelievable and interesting shows available direct to YOU or even YOUR COMPUTER! Harvey Plankers & Phillip Moreso present an assortment of views, perceptions, ideas, opinions and perspectives on the world and how it appears to be! You will hear engaging and lively discussion of news, current events, pop culture, and interesting topics including tracks of music. Experience Infinite Frequencies and you will agree that they are, as the name suggests, Infinite Frequencies. Proudly supported by Bob.
Infinite Frequencies
The Night Air: listening for pleasure; an audio adventure in ideas, sounds and music remixed around a theme. It's a listening experience animated by dub versions of ABC Radio National's distinctive programming.Obliquely connected material is re-assembled with sonic glue, letting the listener's imagination build a new story. It's a space to find the music in speech and the poetry in ideas, a show that invites you to take time to unravel the usual media tangle.
Night Air, The
Everything tech, from Web2.0, blogging, the Internet to product reviews, software and interviews.
TPN :: The Global Geek Podcast
A weekly programme of ambient and atmospheric music from across the ages and around the world, heard on Australian public radio since 1989. Ultima Thule weaves a mix of ambient, trance, drone and chillout electronica, spacemusic, ancient, mediaeval and neoclassical creations, traditional and world music, soundtracks, cool jazz and impressionist soundworks into an exquisite, chatter-free 90-minute musical narrative.
Ultima Thule Ambient Music
Religion. Politics and Hoochies. John Safran and Father Bob talk-up a storm, so we've taken the program, cut out the music to produce a 60-70min program.
triple j: Sunday Night Safran
An alternative viewpoint on local, national and international events. Often polemic, always controversial. Highly researched and presented by Shane Elson, an award winning radio commentator and producer. Available free of charge. Only ask is that, if used, quoted or otherwise referred to, that proper acknowledgement be given.
Public First Program Editorials
Salty Dog Blues N Roots is a weekly 2 hour podcast/radio broadcast featuring the best Australian and world blues, roots and alternate country - since April 2005. Produced by Salty Dog in Melbourne, Australia and broadcast on syndication.
Salty Dog Blues N Roots Podcast
26 songs (60sec each max) created fortnightly over 52 weeks by artist r.domain. For lovers of original music. eg. KIng Crimson, Fantomas, John Zorn, The Mars Volta, Bill Laswell, Scorn, etc. Subscribe now and enjoy!!!
Musical Concepts of r.domain
Alex Zaharov-Reutt, editor of FreeAccess magazine, takes a look at the new technologies entering our lives, along with the latest gadgets, gizmos and toys. Episodes will be uploaded weekly around midday Sunday (GMT). - Fuzzy Logic
The world's best-loved photography podcast
Shutters Inc
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