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Harry O-Plan B 3.0-Les Brown
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ESPN is an American cable television network focusing on sports-related programming—including live and pre-taped event telecasts, sports talk shows, and other original programming.
Founded by Bill Rasmussen,[1] his son Scott Rasmussen and Aetna insurance agent Ed Eagan, it launched on September 7, 1979, under the direction of Chet Simmons, the network's President and CEO (and later the United States Football League's first commissioner). The Getty Oil Company provided funding to begin the new venture via executive Stuart Evey.
NPR (National Public Radio) is an internationally acclaimed producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment programming. A privately supported, not-for-profit membership organization, NPR serves a growing audience of 27.5 million Americans each week in partnership with more than 860 independently operated, noncommercial public radio stations.
Quick and Dirty Tips creates and distributes digital content that offers short, actionable advice from friendly and informed authorities that will help you succeed at work and in life.
Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte
Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
Personal Life Media authentic free podcasts and blogs for adults. Get free audio programs and blogs about self-help, dating, relationships, marriage, personal transformation, life-purpose, ecology, anti-aging, spirituality and more by experts for your iPod, iTunes, MP3 player, download or streaming.
Personal Life Media
Self Help Books, Audio, and Online Courses for personal growth and self improvement – Personal Life Media
KCRW 89.9 FM is a Free Internet Public Radio Station of Santa Monica College, in Los Angeles, California - Streaming Live Independent Music, NPR News, and Talk
KCRW 89.9 FM | Internet Public Radio Station Streaming Live Independent Music & NPR News Online from Los Angeles, CA - KCRW
American Public Media, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, is the largest owner and operator of public radio stations and a premier producer and distributor of public radio programming in the nation. It is also the largest producer and distributor of classical music programming in the United States.
American Public Media
Home | American Public Media
Podcasting, RSS Feed, XML Feed. Visit Business Week for up-to-date podcasts, news feeds and online news. Podcasts use an RSS feed (which stands for Really Simple Syndication) to deliver updated information in an xml feed.
Online News Feeds : RSS Feeds, XML Feeds
WNYC 93.9 FM and AM 820 are New York's flagship public radio stations, broadcasting the finest programs from National Public Radio and Public Radio International, as well as a wide range of award-winning local programming.
Public Radio International/WNYC
Home Box Office, a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P. (TWE), provides two 24-hour premium TV services, HBO and Cinemax, to subscribers across the United States via cable, C-band satellite, direct broadcast satellite (DBS) and microwave (MMDS). HBO is also available to guests in hotels and motels across the country.
CNET is the premier destination for tech product reviews, news, price comparisons, free software downloads, daily videos, and podcasts.
Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news - CNET
Harry O-Plan B 3.0-Les Brown
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Interview with author Lester R. Brown. Plan B 3.0 is a comprehensive plan for reversing the environmental trends that are fast undermining our future.
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Science, philosophy, psychology, quantum physics, religion. In all these areas, we see the world based on what comes from others. Which means we're actually thinking with somebody else's head - not necessarily our own. And how much of those philosophies, ideas and theories are true? Thanks to the work of Brazilian/Austrian psychoanalyst and social scientist, Dr. Norberto Keppe, separating the wheat from the chaff is a lot easier today. We'll explore this rich and provocative territory in this podcast. Email me about your thoughts at
Thinking With Somebody Else's Head
Just a hopeful podcaster. A bit of UFO talk all the while learning about audio recording.
SolelyJ's UFO Podcast
Alan Watts is one of the most widely read philosophers of the 20th century. In addition to his 28 books, Alan Watts delivered hundreds of public lectures and seminars the recordings of which have been preserved in the archives of the Electronic University, a non-profit organization dedicated to higher education. For the past two years Alan's eldest son, Mark Watts has reviewed and cataloged these talks to prepare them for public broadcast. The Electronic University is now pleased to present the highlights of the spoken works of Alan Watts.
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From the psychology department at Algoma University in Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada, here's Dave Brodbeck. Courses PSYC 1106 - Introduction to Psychology 1, PSYC 3106 - Evolutionary Approaches to Behaviour, and STAT 2126 - Introduction to Statistics.
Dr. David Brodbeck's Psychology Lectures from Algoma University
Inspirational podcasts to entertain, inform, challenge, and inspire you to Have the Life You Want!
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A series of podcasts that explains Jung's Psychology, starting with an overview of the psyche.
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Dr. Howard Gurr is a licensed psychologist who provides psychological information when YOU are ready to hear it.
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It's the Chicago Humanities Festival. A Festival of ideas. Since 1990, world-renowned authors, scholars, poets, policy-makers, artists, and performers have gathered each November at Chicago's many cultural institutions to celebrate the power of ideas in human culture. And each year, tens of thousands of enthusiastic audience participants rediscover the rich and vital role the humanities play in their daily lives.
Chicago Humanities Festival Podcast
Australian produced television series, Haunted Australia. Join the cast and crew as they report behind the scenes to give you an insight into the show, its cast, crew and locations.
We will be hosting discussions about the show and the paranormal field with co-hosts, viewers and international peers.
The Building Performance Podcast is a bi-monthly series drawing on the experience and ideas of a wide array of professionals in the high performance building industry. The show includes interviews as well as overviews of new trends, techniques, tools, and training strategies.
The intersection of advances in building technologies, the energy crisis, green building trends, and the environmental crisis has made it hard to pursue business-as-usual. The general climate is forcing those of us in the building industry to take a more integrated, systematic approach to building.
We talk with engineers, policy makers, program managers, contractors, diagnosticians, ESCOs, architects, utilities, and building managers, among others. Hosted by Corbett Lunsford, technical director of Green Dream Group, LLC in Chicago, and executive director of the Illinois Association of Energy Raters.
Building Performance Podcast
This recording provides step-by-step instruction for beginning meditators in mindfulness of breath meditation. This practice is based upon Buddha's teachings from the Anapanasati Sutta.
Lisa Dale Miller, MFT is a licensed marriage and family therapist, specializing in Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy, in private practice in Los Gatos, CA. She has been a yogic and vipassana meditation practitioner for more than 30 years. Ms. Miller is a teacher of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression Relapse Prevention (MBCT), Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) and has created a Mindfulness-Based Dialectical Behavior Therapy (MBDBT) program, which integrates mindfulness meditation practices with DBT's cognitive-behavioral emotion regulation skills.
Mindfulness of Breath Meditation for Beginners
Global development experts share their ideas on how wealthy countries can promote prosperity in developing countries.
Global Prosperity Wonkcast
Zeitreise - Nobelpreisträger im Gespräch - Ein Podacst aus dem Archiv der Deutschen Welle.
Zeitreise: Nobelpreisträger | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
The only podcast for single women who proactively choose motherhood. Hosted by: Mikki Morrissette
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Welcome to OrthoAnalytika, the podcast of Fr. Anthony Perkins and St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Woonsocket, RI. This is where Fr. Anthony shares the Good News of Salvation through Christ and His Church by posting homilies, analysis, and interviews. He has a diverse background, a big smile, and lots of enthusiasm. See and for more information and content.
MP3 version of Rapport: The Informal Ethnographer Podcast, an informal podcast about ethnography and ethnographic disciplines.
Rapport: The Informal Ethnographer Podcast » MP3
Psychologists discuss family issues and talk about solutions to common problems.
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Here you'll find voices from the field of Buddhist studies.
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Die Deutsche Welle hat seit ihrem Bestehen (1953) immer wieder über die wichtigsten Meilensteine in der Historie Deutschlands entweder direkt berichtet oder an sie erinnert. Interviews, Statements, Studiodiskussionen oder auch Features zu aktuellen Themen - oder zu deren Jahrestagen - waren ständig Bestandteil des Programms. Die Reihe beginnt mit einem Feature über die Währungsreform im Jahr 1948, in dem Zeitzeugen die Atmosphäre der damaligen Zeit schildern. Die Berufung Bonns zur Bundeshauptstadt, die Schaffung des Bundesgerichtshofes, das deutsch-israelische Wiedergutmachungsabkommen, der Volksaufstand 17. Juni 1953 in der DDR, der Mauerbau oder auch die Ratifizierung der Ostverträge durch den Deutschen Bundestag – dies sind nur einige Beispiele der Themen, die in dieser Podcastreihe behandelt werden, wo auch zahlreiche Personen der deutschen Geschichte zu Wort kommen.
Zeitreise: Meilensteine | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Interviews on topics in Psychotherapy and Mental Health
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