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A Brain Injured Teenager Shares his Story – How Utilizing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and EEG Neurofeedback worked Together to Help Him Recover.
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A Brain Injured Teenager Shares his Story – How Utilizing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and EEG Neurofeedback worked Together to Help Him Recover.

Patrick tells about his auto accident and his brain injury. Utilizing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to help the recoverable brain, Patrick has been able to return to college and start his life again. His inspiring testimonial to searching for answers and the willingness to work at finding the best ways to heal is worth listening to. Real-Time EEG Neurofeedback is discussed and so is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Dr. Adam Breiner explains how the oxygen under pressure works to heal the brain and how Real- Time EEG Neurofeedback helps retrain the brain waves. Fascinating topic, well worth taking the time to listen.
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