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TechNest Report | TNR
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TechNest Report | TNR

TechNest Report Podcast covers the tech industry from "head to toe!" The show comes in two flavors: the TNR Daily Bit (airs on M-F) and the TNR Weekly Recap (airs on Saturday). This is a feed for both shows, which are also available separately. Alex Luft, Lizette Gagne, Ben Jarman, and guests discuss, rant, praise, and otherwise chew over the events of the tech industry. Content focus is less on trivial and ephemeral (such as breaking news). Instead, TechNest Report tries to take a step back, take a nice, long, deep breath, and consider the big picture.

The shows air LIVE Monday through Saturday at 5:30pm EST. To find out how to catch the show live, please visit
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