Welcome to The Az UFO Show. Created from Rich's popular UFO website, Cnufos.com, this UFO show has the potential to be everything you always wanted from a paranromal show and much more. With Rich's lifetime of paranormal experiences, Five strong years as a UFO researcher and 3.5 years as a "Top 10" radio host on BTR, Rich promises to entertain and inform like no other paranormal show has ever done. Experience is everything as far as credibility goes in this business right? With that said, Rich has been on Rense Radio, The Discovery Channel, Coast2Coastam, OVNI TV (Mexico), Fastwalkers The Movie, The Kevin Smith Show, HBCCUFO, UfoCasebook, featured in The Az Republic, The SyFy Channel, Weird Travels and is the "go to" guy for the local news channels whenever there's a UFO video to analyze or a witness to interview. This is not some guy who decided to talk just to hear himself talk. This is a someone who knows how the paranormal world works. Through trial and error Rich has learned all the tricks of the trade when it comes to hoaxers trying to fool us with balloons or some fantastic story of alien visitation. His real friends now call him "The Intuitive Human Lie Detector". Find out why every Saturday night at 6PM (Az Time) for an hour of UFO news and interviews from the world's best paranormal, UFO & conspiracy researchers. This is not your grandfather's paranormal radio show. It's YOUR paranormal radio show...Saturdays at 6PM - Usually 120 Min - LIVE CHAT ROOM & LIVE CALL-IN # 646-652-4981