Reparations is easiest broken down: Repair Nations. Not speaking from a Christian perspective makes reparations seem selfish. For the sake of love, we all need Reparations.
Not speaking from a Nationalist perspective is paramount to wishing to be fixed by someone other than ourselves. Without Self-Sufficiency, people are doomed to dependence. And, a dependent people is a drain on everyone.
Our perspectives are skewed & we're about to launch another "we shall overcome" type movement, marching & looking for additional handouts. Self-sufficiency & social justice is key. There is no solution in finding some new crutch on which to limp through life.
In Reparative Talk, we discuss how to stand on our own two feet. We discuss ways to make the community stronger and overcome racial disparities. On this show, people engage leaders within the Movement and learn how to become active.
In Reparative Talk, we will discuss Reparations and its everyday applications, restoring a people that have been broken. Come and get your Reparations!
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