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Welcome to "The ART of Celebrity Photography" (mp3)

Welcome to "The ART of Celebrity Photography" (mp3)

Learn the many facets of celebrity photography. Hear what it takes to make it in this crowded and highly competitive field. Upcoming episodes will feature discussions with photographers who get to rub shoulders with the celebrities. Hear the excitement of it all, as the photographers vie to get the best shots and the most eye contact, getting the full length fashion shots they need for the celebrity-starved magazines around the world that have appetites for celebrity photos bigger than a whale; the photographers barking out questions to the actresses about which designer created their eye-popping outfit they're wearing. It's just absolutely wild! Full-tilt over-the-top chaotic bedlam with all the flash-blasting cameras firing in near succession on the red carpet. Look here!, No! Not there! Over here! Straight this way! Turn around so we can see the back of your dress! Looking over your shoulder! Don't forget us in the cheap seats! Hey TV!, Out of the way! Look over here!!!!!!!!" Hands down, one of the most glamourous, exciting and vibrant jobs in photography. Failure to get your pictures is not an option! Find out from photographers, editors and bloggers about the challenges of shooting and selling celebrity photography in the face of newspaper and magazine closings, the increasing threat of the celebrity blogs to old media, citizen paparazzi with their camera phones, and subscription pricing plans that have driven the price of a photo from dollars to pennies. Come along with the show. But hang on, as it's going to be quite a ride! And we will try to establish if celebrity photography is indeed an art form.
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