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With our Premium Package service you can:

  • discover and enjoy content from Premium international TV programming;
  • expanded selection of Premium contemporary, classic, independent and alternative movies from international filmmakers on your devices, PC or Mac.

When you subscribe to one of Premium Packages, you can access all of the Premium Package content on up to 6 devices of your choice, choose from a range of devices like Smart TVs, Blu-ray Player, Media Player or Mobile Device. We included a complimentary subscription to Plus.

Choose your Premium Package subscription plan. When you subscribe to Premium Package, we will include a complimentary subscription to Plus. It has a monthly value of $1.99.

Преміум Пакет: Українське Телебачення та Фільми
Безкоштовна пробна версія
Premium Package: Ukrainian Live TV and Films FREE trial for 3 days 3/21/2025 - 3/24/2025
After your free trial you will be charged USA $9.99 per month unless you cancel prior to the end of your free trial
Премиум Пакет: Русское ТB и Фильмы
Бесплатная пробная версия
Premium Package: Russian TV and Films FREE trial for 3 days 3/21/2025 - 3/24/2025
After your free trial you will be charged USA $12.99 per month unless you cancel prior to the end of your free trial
Paket Premium: FREE trial TV dan Film Indonesia
Premium Package: Indonesian TV and Films FREE trial for 3 days 3/21/2025 - 3/24/2025
After your free trial you will be charged USA $9.99 per month unless you cancel prior to the end of your free trial
Premium Paket: Deutsche TV-und Filme (Kostenlose Testversion) [Premium Package: German TV and Films FREE trial] for 3 days 3/21/2025 - 3/24/2025
After your free trial you will be charged USA $9.99 per month unless you cancel prior to the end of your free trial
Premium Package: la télévision française et Films (essai gratuit)
Premium Package: French TV and Films FREE trial for 3 days 3/21/2025 - 3/24/2025
After your free trial you will be charged USA $9.99 per month unless you cancel prior to the end of your free trial
Premium Pachetul: TV și filme (versiune de încercare gratuită) română
Premium Package: RomanianTV and Films FREE trial for 3 days 3/21/2025 - 3/24/2025
After your free trial you will be charged USA $9.99 per month unless you cancel prior to the end of your free trial
Pacchetto Premium: TV e film (prova gratuita) italiana
Premium Package: Italian TV and Films FREE trial for 3 days 3/21/2025 - 3/24/2025
After your free trial you will be charged USA $9.99 per month unless you cancel prior to the end of your free trial
Pacchetto Premium: TV e film (Mensile) italiana
Premium Package: Italian TV and Films (Monthly) for 1 month 3/21/2025 - 4/21/2025
$9.99   $8.99 per month  
Receive 10% discount each 1 month, total savings of USA $1.00
one payment of USD $8.99
Premium Paket: Deutsche TV-und Filme (Monatlich) [Premium Package: German TV and Films (Monthly)] for 1 month 3/21/2025 - 4/21/2025
$9.99   $8.99 per month  
Receive 10% discount each 1 month, total savings of USA $1.00
one payment of USD $8.99
Premium Pachetul: TV și filme (lunar) română
Premium Package: Romanian TV and Films (Monthly) for 1 month 3/21/2025 - 4/21/2025
$9.99   $8.99 per month  
Receive 10% discount each 1 month, total savings of USA $1.00
one payment of USD $8.99
Premium Package: la télévision française et Films (Mensuel)
Premium Package: French TV and Films (Monthly) for 1 month 3/21/2025 - 4/21/2025
$9.99   $8.99 per month  
Receive 10% discount each 1 month, total savings of USA $1.00
one payment of USD $8.99
Преміум Пакет: Українське Телебачення та Фільми
Premium Package: Ukrainian Live TV and Films for 1 month 3/21/2025 - 4/21/2025
$9.99   $8.99 per month  
Receive 10% discount each 1 month, total savings of USA $1.00
one payment of USD $8.99
Премиум Пакет: Русское ТB и Фильмы
Premium Package: Russian TV and Films for 1 month 3/21/2025 - 4/21/2025
$12.99   $11.69 per month  
Receive 10% discount each 1 month, total savings of USA $1.30
one payment of USD $11.69
Paket Premium: TV dan Film Indonesia (Bulanan)
Premium Package: Indonesian TV and Films (Monthly) for 1 month 3/21/2025 - 4/21/2025
$9.99   $8.99 per month  
Receive 10% discount each 1 month, total savings of USA $1.00
one payment of USD $8.99
Премиум Пакет: Русское ТB и Фильмы
Premium Package: Russian TV and Films (Годовая) for 12 months 3/21/2025 - 3/21/2026
$155.88   $9.74 per month  
Receive 25% discount each 12 months, total savings of USA $38.97
one payment of USD $116.91
Преміум Пакет: Українське Телебачення та Фільми
Premium Package: Ukrainian Live TV and Films (Річний) for 12 months 3/21/2025 - 3/21/2026
$119.88   $7.49 per month  
Receive 25% discount each 12 months, total savings of USA $29.97
one payment of USD $89.91
Paket Premium: TV dan Film Indonesia (Tahunan)
Premium Package: Indonesian TV and Films (Annual) for 12 months 3/21/2025 - 3/21/2026
$119.88   $7.49 per month  
Receive 25% discount each 12 months, total savings of USA $29.97
one payment of USD $89.91
Premium Paket: Deutsche TV-und Filme (Jährlich) [Premium Package: German TV and Films (Annual)] for 12 months 3/21/2025 - 3/21/2026
$119.88   $7.49 per month  
Receive 25% discount each 12 months, total savings of USA $29.97
one payment of USD $89.91
Premium Package: la télévision française et Films (Annuel)
Premium Package: French TV and Films (Annual) for 12 months 3/21/2025 - 3/21/2026
$119.88   $7.49 per month  
Receive 25% discount each 12 months, total savings of USA $29.97
one payment of USD $89.91
Pacchetto Premium: TV e film italiani (annuale)
Premium Package: Italian TV and Films (Annual) for 12 months 3/21/2025 - 3/21/2026
$119.88   $7.49 per month  
Receive 25% discount each 12 months, total savings of USA $29.97
one payment of USD $89.91
Premium Pachetul: TV și filme românești (anual)
Premium Package: Romanian TV and Films (Annual) for 12 months 3/21/2025 - 3/21/2026
$119.88   $7.49 per month  
Receive 25% discount each 12 months, total savings of USA $29.97
one payment of USD $89.91