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FCV034: Character counts. Big Time! — Guest: Barbara Gruener

School bullying gets an awful lot of media coverage. Character education, not so much. And yet if we are truly serious about reducing peer conflict in school, we've got to be educating kids to be empathetic, compassionate humans with the social courage to do the right thing, online and off. Annie talks with school counselor Barabara Gruener about her new book "What's Under your Cape? Superheroes of the Character Kind". They also discuss why character counts and why teaching kids people skills needs to be a top priority for 21st century parents and educators.

About Barbara Gruener
School counselor and character coach Barbara Gruener grew up on her family's dairy farm in Wisconsin. She says her parents "always welcomed people into our home including foreign exchange students and foster children—so I learned to appreciate culture and diversity!" She currently works her friendship skill building and character magic with the K-5th grade students at Westwood-Bales Elementary School in Friendswood, TX (I didn't make that up!) Learn more at

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