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FCV092: Lost in Mommyland — Guest: Caroline Greene

Our culture pressures mothers to conform to an ideal of "good mom." When our children are little we are often too busy with caregiving to think about who we are. As kids reach the point in their development where they aren't as dependent, we may find ourselves with more time for ourselves. According to Life Coach Caroline Greene, this new chapter of parenting can be accompanied by a "deflation and a loss of identity and feelings of loneliness, isolation, and confusion." For Caroline, ten years out of law school, she was still in the kitchen. She loved the life she and her husband built for their family, but she "wasn't happy or fulfilled." On top of that, because she knew she was so fortunate, she felt guilty. Annie talks with Caroline about honestly asking ourselves, not only "What kind of person do I want to be raising?" but also (and equally important) "What kind of person do I want to be?"

**Special offer for Family Confidential podcast listeners: To get a free copy of Caroline Greene's book "MATTER: How to Find Meaningful Work That's Right For You And Your Family" simply email and put the word "Matter" in the subject line.

About Caroline Greene (@CarolineKGreene)
A self-proclaimed "recovering lawyer, chronic overachiever, and passionate truth-teller" Caroline Greene is crazy about helping women build lives that truly matter to them. A former prosector and big-firm litigator, and a stay-at-home mom turned life coach, Caroline knows first hand what it feels like to "get stuck into someone else's definition of success and what it feels like to lose your identity when you decide that definition might not be what you want anymore." Author of "Next: How to Start a Successful Business That's Right For You and Your Family", Caroline coaches women to help them find work they love and a balance that is right for them and their loved ones. Learn more at

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