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Inside the Core Episode 12

In this episode we discuss Chrome for Mac forensics and the Forensic 4Cast Awards. We have guest host Joe Garcia of the CyberCrime 101 podcast, who tells us about his podcast, the SANS Forensic Summit and HacKidCon.

We also briefly discuss Steve Whalen's new company, Sumuri, and their Forensic Boot and Imaging CD, Paladin; AccessData's FTK Imager command line tool for the Mac; and the websites of the episode.

Thanks to Joe Garcia for being on the show.

We would also like to thank you, our listeners, for voting for ITC in the Forensic 4Cast Award's Best Digital Forensics Podcast. Who would of thought we would of won!

A special thanks to the Florida State Prison System for their votes.

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Inside the Core

Inside the Core