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Brian Drake creates a time lapse movie documenting the painting process of one of his large format works.
Serenity On An Open Plane
Serial Experience takes you back to the days of movie serials that were shown at the local theater each week. Join us as we revisit the great serials of years gone by.
The Serial Experience
Households across the UK could be making up to a whopping £38 billion a year, just by storing excess clutter to rent out a room. That equates to over £3 billion a month based on average rental incomes across the UK. It could mean an extra personal income of as much as £320 a month or £3,840 a year per household! It's time to get the junk out of the spare room to make some money, according to findings from self storage experts Big Yellow Self Storage.
More than a third (36%) of us that have a whole room in our home filled with junk and the storage company found that nearly one in three (31%) would definitely rent out a room to make money and beat the credit crunch. With recent figures showing that the rental market is continuing to flourish, it looks like some people have already cottoned onto this lucrative scheme.
Michael Holmes, one of the UK‚s leading property experts and presenter from BBC1's Trading Up, ITV's Don‚t Move Improve, UKTV Style's decluttering programme Scrubbers and the soon to air I Own Britain's Best Home, commented, the survey showed some really interesting findings and there are many more options for those looking for cash savings from storage:
In this video Michael delves a bit deeper into the survey.
Go to to find out how you can benefit from self storage.
'Don‚t Move, Improve' star Michael Holmes shows how to make your spare rooms pay!
Listen to reviews of the latest kids tv shows, kids movies, kids books, websites and video games straight from the mouth of a kid. This show was created by a nine year old boy. He writes and performs it weekly.
Kid Power Radio
The Thrillseekers provide VIP access to Southern California's life and culture from a SoCal perspective....
Through entertaining and informative segments, the Thrillseekers deliver a refreshing outlook that will renew your passion for So Cal. Join us as we track down and pass along to you all the hidden treasures the Golden State has to offer.
SoCal ThrillSeekers
Matinee Serials provides Vintage and Classic Serials from 1930s,1940s,1950s all from the golden age of the silver screen.
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CCMI 2009
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CCHS held their band competition for 2009. Here's the video.
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CCHS Band Podcast
Good day! This will be the place to subscribe to the podcasts pertaining to the Crockett County High School Marching Cavaliers! More details to follow...
First Post
Here's a field shot from down the field... Sorry for the angle - was the best we could do.Jimmy
Good day! This will be the place to subscribe to the podcasts pertaining to the Crockett County High School Marching Cavaliers! More details to follow...
First Post
Sorry this video is so long in coming... The quality is not that good as I was in not nearly as good a position as I usually am, plus I only had the one camera this time.Look for some more video very soon... Pep Band and Strawberry Festival.JL
State Competition
Last part - sorry for the multiple posts...Enjoy! See you this weekend!
UTM - Part 3
Sorry - had to break it up into several posts...Enjoy!
UTM - Part 2
Sorry for no video from Friday night's home game... I was not feeling well and I didn't get to tape it, but I understand they performed well!I'll try to get the Saturday video from UTM posted tonight...
No video for 9/14/07
Good day! This will be the place to subscribe to the podcasts pertaining to the Crockett County High School Marching Cavaliers! More details to follow...
First Post
CCHS held their band competition for 2009. Here's the video.
CCMI 2009
CCHS Band Podcast
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