"Growing Deeper in Community" Celebration, our mid-week worship experience, is an opportunity to interact with God in deeper ways together. Each Wednesday evening at 6:30 we spend time connecting with God through worship and teaching, singing, praying, learning and experiencing Him on more and more personal levels. Our music is interactive. The leaders and band (many of our same musicians from Sunday mornings) lead us in singing together as we meet with God in real and profound ways. The teaching takes us further digging into the Bible to learn more about God's heart and to learn how we can grow in Christ. Celebration is also a chance to celebrate some special times of community together. We experience communion on the first Wednesday of each month. Baptisms (our favorite times of the year) are celebrated every other month. Celebration is a precious church family time—a time when we connect with God and with each other. A place where we grow deeper together. You don't want to miss it!