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We worked hard over the past year to bring our users more entertainment options from around the world. A revamped version of Viaway for Apple devices unlocks full functionality, adds new features and brings overall a better user experience to iPhone and iPad users.

Updated Viaway version for Apple devices features new TV & Video on-demand service and offers access to the huge library of free and paid content. For users that are not yet sure if they are ready to buy a subscription, Viaway came up with "Rent or Buy" service that allows to pay only for the content they choose and as they watch or listen to it while making it available to them for streaming from Library on devices of their choice.

Our cloud-based service Viaway Play is now also available to iPhone and iPads users. Viaway Play differentiates itself from the competition by making our users' music, video, movies seamlessly accessible not just from one particular brand of devices, but across virtually all Internet connected devices worldwide - on Smart TV at home, on iPad at work, on Smartphone on vacation. We're excited to be able to bring our iPad and iPhone users entertainment without borders!